Midge swap

Unfourtunatly, we have lost one guy so now there is only 15. So, you need only 30 flies.

LrsaBecker- Al's Rat, Al's Rat Emerger
Wetflyguy- Black Fly, Emerger
FrequentTyer- Disco Midge, Emerger variant of Disco midge
MrFlyFish-Shuttlecock Buzzer a brown and a black
Cope-Marty the Zebra midge, Pink beadhead size 20, als rat variant size 26
GoodFourtune- PBR, and a flashwing midge
Ant- Olive Pupa, Olive para Dry
Mtnbum-Dark Olive Zebra & Root Beer Zebra w/ a cherry on top
Gentleshepard- John Barr Midge Pupal Larva 2 diff. colors[/quote]
You can pass my extra's on to a needy cause if you can find one in your area, maybe a TU kids project, or you can pass some on to the mods if you would like.

Hope all have a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Was thinking what I was gonna do with any extras. Thought about just splitting them all up between everybody. The TU thing could be a possibility or donate them to LRSA for a raffle. I dunno let you guys decide.
I have no dog in this fight, but tradition is to give dkile and the mods one of each fly. Zup to you.
Im gunna try to get mine in the mail on Monday, if I can remember. I keep forgetting.
Mtnbum, fly's received.
LRSABecker wrote:
Unfourtunatly, we have lost one guy so now there is only 15. So, you need only 30 flies.

That would be 28 because you don't tie for yourself...but I still advocate tying some for daveK, mods, and throw in an extra or two for LRSA as thanks for hosting the swap.
^ correct, I am no mathematical genius lol :cry:
Well, I only have 4 left to tie and I have, of course, run out of hooks. I had enough when I started, but it's amazing how those #24s vanish when they hit the carpet in the family room. My wife doesn't believe they vanish, but I can find no evidence to suggest otherwise.
JStockard should be coming through with a fresh stock of hooks in a few days.
Well, I tied 40 and thats what im sending. The host is free to do with them what he wants. Also, what should we due about return shipping? I have my flies in a hook pac and should just be able to mail them in a regular envelope. Just let me know
You should either send money for the return postage with an envelope to put all the fly's back in. Or you can do as most people and buy a return packaging sticker and include it in the package with a return envelope.
I'm tying a size 18 red v-rib larva and since no midge swap is complete without a griffith gnat, I'll tie these in a size 18 also.

I have about 8 more and then mine are done. Looking to finish up by the end of the weekend.
I'm 50% done. gonna whip out the rest by Sunday and get em in the mail.
Just checking to see if all of the patterns have arrived?
Flies in the mail
Sending 20 of each fly patt.
I'm printing the toe tags now. Twenty of each pattern will be in the mail tomorrow. Hopefully the post office can move them 1 hour north in the remaining 2 weeks.
If I have not posted on here about receiving your flies, I still have not received them. I think I have only received 3 peoples so far.
well thats not good, i sent mine around the 5th. who knows where the mail delivered it.