Jam Food '13

I'm gonna do chili again, but figured there to be a second list for this. I'll also probably bring a ring or two of Bixler's country sausage for the grill, I just never figure the community sausage (he he, community sausage) to be list worthy, as it only feeds a few.

MattBoyer wrote:
I'm gonna do chili again, but figured there to be a second list for this. I'll also probably bring a ring or two of Bixler's country sausage for the grill, I just never figure the community sausage (he he, community sausage) to be list worthy, as it only feeds a few.


Boyer, it seems there isnt as much intrest in the chilli cookoff this year. But by all means make a pot. It was delicious last year.
Since I'm bringing soup I'll bring bowls and spoons as well.
I was thinking I was going to bring some Italian Roast Beef, I'll bring buns to go along with that.

edit:Now that I think about it, it will probably be Italian Roast Deer :)
With the rain coming in this morning I decided to take a road trip. Went down to Cabelas in Wheeling to pick up my early birthday gift. Got a Bradley digital electric smoker for the Kosher Pulled Pork. Game on for the JAM.
Sweet :-D
pro4mance wrote:
With the rain coming in this morning I decided to take a road trip. Went down to Cabelas in Wheeling to pick up my early birthday gift. Got a Bradley digital electric smoker for the Kosher Pulled Pork. Game on for the JAM.

yea that sounds great.
mario66pens wrote:
I was thinking I was going to bring some Italian Roast Beef, I'll bring buns to go along with that.

edit:Now that I think about it, it will probably be Italian Roast Deer :)
Nice, I like roast deer meat. Good choice. :)
Seasoning smoker now. Will be trying it out tomorrow with a couple racks of ribs, the more you use it the better it gets. Will be doing alot between now and the JAM.

Last year I brought my home made salsa and chips and it didn;t get touched with all that awesome food. I will bring it again so I don;t feel like a freeloader.

So put me on the list.

Maurice wrote:

Last year I brought my home made salsa and chips and it didn;t get touched with all that awesome food. I will bring it again so I don;t feel like a freeloader.

So put me on the list.


Sounds good.
The list

~Phish_On-Tenderloin!!, Smoked Scottish Salmon
~lv2nuymph-Toscana Soup
~Squatch-Clam Dip
~Chaz-Margarita Salmon
~Gone_Phishin-Buffalo Chicken Dip
~mooney4- Pickles
~PennypackFlyer- Ox Tail Soup
~pro4mance-Kosher Pulled Prok or Ribs??
~Delta_Dog-Jalapeño popper dip and cookies
~Dc410-assorted meats an cheeses
~Maurice- Chips and Salsa
Hey Phish, are there any dessert items on the menu besides Delta's cookies? You can put me down for brownies.
Phish, you missed me on the list for the freeloader hot dogs. That should keep their grubby fingers off the good food!
This is a MAYBE, it depends how busy the week prior to the jam is. Since I'm saddling my wife with the kid for a long weekend, and she wont' get much work done, thus she may have to work long hours in preparation leading up to the jam. If that's the case, and I'm on baby duty, this ain't gonna happen.

But I may bring some marinated beef and/or pork to cook over an open fire. Kabob cuts, use hot-dog stick as skewer. Comes out real good and is a camping staple for our non-fishing trips. Marinade of choice would likely be soy sauce and olive oil based, with a little brown sugar, crushed red pepper for a kick, and loads and loads of diced garlic and onion. It comes out real tasty, and takes a smoke from the fire well too. Makes you smell of garlic for days, so perfect for all those guys packing into the small cabins. :)

If I am able to bring it, I'll bring plenty to share.
The list

~Phish_On-Tenderloin!!, Smoked Scottish Salmon
~lv2nuymph-Toscana Soup
~Squatch-Clam Dip
~Chaz-Margarita Salmon
~Gone_Phishin-Buffalo Chicken Dip
~mooney4- Pickles
~PennypackFlyer- Ox Tail Soup
~pro4mance-Kosher Pulled Prok or Ribs??
~Delta_Dog-Jalapeño popper dip and cookies
~Dc410-assorted meats an cheeses
~Maurice- Chips and Salsa
~pcray1231- Skewers?
I did Buffalo chicken dip last year, but Gone_Phishin has dibs on that one this year. I'll figure something out. Maybe a bean dip.
I'll throw a couple of pieces of brisket in the smokerand bring it up.
Don't forget me on the list with the IRB\IRD