Fall Catskill JAM.....the final chapter 10/4-10/6

krayfish wrote:
Nice. You ok building a deck on it or need some help?

Well first I gotta get the trailer hitch and wiring installed on my car.
I could use help on the design of the deck. If its all wood and/or doesn't require welding I should be able to build so long as I have the time...
Sorry i am late to the party here, what are the dates for this event? I'd love to try and make it....
First week of October. Some will be there from the 1st through the 6th, some will come up for 2-3 days and some will just swing by for a day.
Wow totally had the dates wrong...for some reason I though it was the following week. I'll be there one way or another...either Weds-Friday or Sat-Sun
PhilC wrote:
Wow totally had the dates wrong...f[/quot

When is the date(s) for this event? I'll add the date to the title line which will, of course, be helpful to readers.
How many times do I have to tell you kids to stay away from that stuff? It makes you goofy.
If you want to simply give up (same l as using a greenie weenie), reel in and just go drink. If you have greenie weenie, san juan worms or other 'gimic' flies, please leave them at home. Please have respect for yourself and the sport. :-D.

2 week countdown
On the fence? Need inspired? Here's some fish porn from Bart at the Delaware River Clubs blog.

A bunch of you said "I'm in" but there's on 5 rooms booked at the Capra by the group. ?????

Today's report and hatches:

The bugs were out in force yesterday, especially as the day wore on into evening. Plenty of smaller stenos on the main, olives on the West, with some brown caddis (#16) popping out, but the fish did not seem to key in on them. We had a very cold overnight, which brought our river temps right back down, and today we expecting another mostly sunny day, but a bit warmer – in the low 70s. If the sun does stay out and bright, there is a good chance for flying ants this afternoon as well – there were a handful reported on the lower West yesterday, so there is always hope! Otherwise, the tricos should come when the morning sun burns through the fog, and get things rolling for the day.

What’s Hatching:

Ephemerella dorthea – Sulphurs – #16 & #18 – starting to wane

Epeorus vitreus – PED / Pink Lady – #14

Isonychia bicolor – Iso – Slate Drake – #12-2XL, #12

Stenonema species – Various Light Cahills – #14

Pseudocloeon species – BWO – #22 – sporadic

Heptagenia hebe - Olive Sulphurs – #16


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I think taking a couple of those would make a nice meal. Is that a no, no?
You can eat the bugs Jack, just leave the fish alone...
Chocolate Covered Isos?
Ah...not fair K-fish.

Jack - This past summer I dined on bamboo and cicada stew. Yum.....believe it or not.
I hope the bamboo was well cooked.
Is it just me or do those fish look glassy eyed? I never saw so many concentric pupils in a row of C&R photos. How long do they hold those fish out of the water to get those money shots?

Might as well eat them Jack. They are half dead.
I'm counting down the days..... can't wait to get on the river again! I don't care if I catch anything, it beats sitting in this damn office all day!
exactly 2 weeks from now will be floating. Hurry up
"2 weeks from now, will be floating".....only if there's enough water in the rivers. A inch of rain from the front on Saturday will go a long way.

Almost decided on a suicide run up tomorrow but $80 in gas and a $40 shuttle combined with being up for 22 hrs straight made me reconsider. I'm chomping at the bit too.
Heading up tomorrow to E.Branch/Beaver/Willow till Sunday night.
Care to do a jaws to jaws float? Can't be more that 12-13 miles. Temps are good and lots of bows this time of year.
I am not bringing my toon as my buddy has never floated and we are just going to wade. Sunday I am meeting a few others and we are gonna fish Willow and Beaver.