Fall Catskill JAM.....the final chapter 10/4-10/6

Just looked at forecast, wind and rainfall predictions. I'm out. Not interested in rowing into a 20-30 mph wind. Also be aware that 1.6" of rain on the Beaverkill might put it over 1500-2000 cfs. I don't think you can get in too many places above 750-800 cfs. Good thing is the flow drops quickly.
Yea figures it will dump on us. I am bringing streamers. Lol
They are only calling for half an inch. Should actually make everything perfect.
Here's some motivation.

Titled Bank Shot at Ball's Eddy, this piece is acrylic on canvas 22x28 and is one I've been messing around with for the last year. I can't seem to get the drift boat and fishermen where I want 'em......but, for what it's worth, imagine yourself here (with darker skies). :lol:


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Very nice Dave. The taper of the wall is spot on. If we come down through there. Ill try to march the angle and send you the picture
I'm a Newbie to PAFF, the Upper Delaware and only have intermediate fly fishing experience, but just reserved a room at Capra and hope I can join you on some floats. I'll be coming from WV just over the border of west central PA. Have my own toon and lots of swift water experience, although mostly in a solo canoe.
Is there anything special I need to bring? Can I fish with only a PA license?
Willing to share room if anybody needs a space.
Booktrout, I think you will also need the trout permit/stamp, but otherwise, Kray is the expert on that stretch of water.

Welcome aboard. A PA license will cover you for the lower end of the wb (aprox 6 miles) and the main stem (20+ miles). If you want to fish the top of the wb or the east, Beaverkill, Neversink....you will need to snag a NY license. Swift water experience won't help on the Delaware. There's only 2 sections of fast water that come to mind and the flows are so low there might be some dragging involved. I'd bring a 9' 5wt for dries, 9' 6wt for nymphing and a 7wt if you want to streamer fish. Nymphs like s pheasant tail, prince, hares ear, etc in #12-18 should be good. Iso nymphs #12-14, various caddis larva. On top, caddis #14-16 in black, olive and tan, cahill/steno pattern #14, hebe (#16 sulphur will work), iso in #12-14 and olives in #18-22. If you need a couple of flies, I'm sure we can fix you up. Bring a net and camera.

If anyone cares, decided to go with pork loin and kraut for crockpot meal.
Just to confirm...I'll be up on Wednesday and have to leave mid-day on Friday...will be splitting a room with Martin on weds and thurs nights
Thanks for the detailed reply. I don't have a full arsenal of fly rods nor ammo, but I think I can make do.
RE: PA license, I'm content to fish in PA waters this time. What I was really asking is: if it is likely that I can find somebody to float with in PA on Fri and Sat?
Thanks, Bert
Shouldn't be a problem finding someone to float with.
We lost an guy with quite a few floats under his belt. I was banking on him leading one of the groups so that will be a pretty big blow. The idea was to divide into groups of 2-4 and hit different sections of the rivers. I'm trying to avoid the giant cluster F of 8 boats in one group. We will have to see who shows, when they show, how many seats there are and how the flows are (aka wing it). The flows are getting pretty low and I'm praying for some rain but don't see much in the 7 day forecast.

Lordville gauge is 1150 cfs - would rather see that at 1500-1600 cfs

Hale Eddy gauge is 490 cfs - would rather see that at 800 cfs

Fishes Eddy gauge is 506 cfs and I'd love to see that one at 1300 cfs

all sections have good temps. I don't think water temps will reach 65 in Callicoon which is waaaay down river. A good soaking rain on Monday or Tuesday would be perfect.

** disclaimer **
The dam on the WB can go from 490 cfs to 2000 cfs for absolutely no reason and with little or no warning. There's always a chance that it may be too low to float on Thursday but dangerously high on Friday. It's always a crapshoot.
krayfish wrote:
If we come down through there. Ill try to march the angle and send you the picture

Thanks Kray, that would be helpful - I'll owe yuh a favor.

Here's another piece showing the Willowemoc near Livingston Manor. Both images are based on some photography I took during last year's Catskill jam. Wish I could make it this year.


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Was up Saturday and Sunday. Fished the BK and Willow. Fishing was amazing on the BK. Nymphing was the game except in the evening. Willow was dry flies late in the evening with a size 16 tan caddis.

Approached a very nice fish feeding only to be bombed by a beaver. I did notice iso's every now and then, but not anything spectacular. Also, a very light (white) cahill in a size 12.

Fall is beginning to take hold and it is such a beautiful area. It was my first time up on those streams, but I will be back.










Come on Becks put up a stream report...
Stream report: fishing in the Catskills is good.
Looking at the extended forecast looks like Saturday & Sunday could be pretty good, wind doesn't look too bad.... doesn't look like much chance of any weather event to bump up flows.

Approximately what time do you guys think you will meet up to hit the river on Thursday, I'm coming up Thursday morning and want to start thinking about what time I'm going to leave to get there in time.

We had planned to golf Thursday morning but I think martin and Phil are coming Wednesday morning so we can move the golf to Wednesday.

The forecast is nice for being outside but maybe not so great for fishing. Bright sun will limit top water until late in the day. Not sure of the fishing Thursday but floats might be limited to the main which is fine with me. West may be doable if it doesn't drop anymore. I would guess we will be assembled, rigged and ready to get shuttles started around 8:45-9am. From there it takes another hour or so to actually get shoved off and floating.
It's always chaos of some sort until we're on the river. I'll PM my cell number.
Nice pics Becks! Maybe tame back the saturation a little when editing.
His stuff is always Photoshoped anyhow. :lol: