Fall Catskill JAM.....the final chapter 10/4-10/6

OK, the clock has been started counting down the days until the last Catskill JAM. Looking forward to getting on the river and enjoying a peaceful float down the river.

Yesterday that area got hit over and over again with storms. There appears to be some high flows and maybe a little damage on the East Branch basin but nothing too bad. With the big flush of water, the river bottom will change so the first float is a learning experience again. Islands shift, shoals move and some deep channels will form in certain areas.

Looks like there should be good temps and plenty of water for the fall. It also looks like the water temps haven't been too bad all summer so there should be minimal mortality from warm water.

Took the nephew on the susky to test the pontoons out. It resulted in a bass plug buried in a pontoon (flattening it) and 2 broken rods. In the last 2 trips with him, 3 broken rods and a punctured pontoon. I may be getting him a needlepoint kit for Christmas so he can have a hobby that doesn't result in my fishing gear being destroyed. Geez. Hope I have enough time to get rods fixed and boat patched.

Anyone have any concerns? I think we'll have a fair number of guys and almost as many boats. If you would, please confirm that you are coming, when you're coming and if you will have a pontoon, canoe, kayak, steamship etc. I'm trying to work out the logistical end of things with dividing up the groups, figuring out floats and so on.

I'll be coming up on Thursday and leaving Sunday, Bringing the nuclear powered pontoon.
Mine is powered by pancakes and yuengling.
Bruno and I are coming from the Burgh with DaveS's two man boat. I can bring my one-man toon if need be. Arrive Thursday. Float Friday and Saturday. Drive home Sunday. Yet to negotiate car pooling with Proformance and Skybay. We may also be bringing Squaretail along (he has a one-man toon).
I am in for a batch of Green Chili.
i may be able to get Hatch Chilies as well.
Should be good to go. Would love some kinda car pooling Greg as the Trackers getting long in tooth but I'll do whatever I gotta if its not an option.
Thinkin cocktail shrimp?
Bruno and I will pick up Squaretail and throw his toon on the trailer. Norm and Jared will have to negotiate on a second vehicle as I don't think we can squeeze 5 in mine.

Bring as many watercraft as possible. If Dan wants to toss his on my trailer or Josh's trailer, we can make that work.
Well thanks Greg and Andy.
I'll probably head up on Wednesday and leave on Saturday morning...

I'm picking up that trailer and 'toon from CL today...don't expect any issues so I will have an extra 'toon.
Nice. You ok building a deck on it or need some help?

It looks like we'll have enough boats to get a float or two in for everyone. We will need to divide into smaller groups, put a "seasoned vet" with each group and get after it.

If you are into fishing contests, Catskill Flies is having a one fly event on Saturday in the Beaverkill.

If anyone is interested, we can put $5-10 per man into a pot for a big fish of the day contest or do a team event over 2 days.

I got $10 that says Alby gets the biggest fish. You guys do what you want. I'm just sayin'


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You are probably right....but....no guide this trip. I'm just saying. :))
I'm counting on Andy for guide services
I'd be up for donating to the winner, lol
Donate? As everyone knows, fishing is 99% luck anyhow. If you toss a 7" streamer the entire trip, you may not boat a lot of fish but they will be good ones. Depends if you desire quantity or quality. I usr what I have to in order to get fish in the net.

I will be attending the JAM, I booked a room at the Capra... will be coming in Early Thursday morning Oct. 3 and staying till Sunday.

As far as boats, I have a 2 man pontoon and/or if the water is higher I can bring my Dad's low profile Hyde, either way if someone needs a "ride" I have at least 1 extra seat.

I'm coming from Allentown PA so if anyone wanted to car pool let me know
Also.... Looking forward to meeting everyone as I've never attended a JAM before and only met Krayfish once at the boat launch!
Nice. Welcome aboard. We will have fun and that would be great if you took a newbie for a float. If you golf, we were going to try it Thursday morning.