Catskills JAM: Need some info / help from attendees

Whiskey before LSD is the trick...
Whiskey before LSD? You're rooming w/ Alpa for sure!
Anyone looking for someone to split a room with?
Redsun was kicking around going. I will text and see if he wants to split one.
Do to a very unfortunate hand injury Sight has been sidelined from the forum for awhile ( See OT Jam) so if anyone needs any info on the Delaware Jam please let me know and I will try and #OOPS#ist you the best I can!
Sounds good jdaddy. Thanks for the heads up.
Just curious if there is a head count? I know some people have been listed up front, but that post can't be edited anymore. We're getting a little close, just wondering who was still coming?
PM me if you need any contact numbers, email addresses of anyone you can't get in contact with.

The list of participants so far is:



[d]3wt7x ??[/d]


and 2-3 others from the Catskill forum should be there.
I'm still in, but I don't have any waders! I sent mine in for repair to Baileys, and they are replacing them with an upgraded model, free of charge. Only problem is they won't be in till mid October! Ouch! My back up waders are neoprene. The thought of 4 days in them is not getting me excited.

I have a pair of Patagonia that should fit you based upon your avatar photo.

Just for the record, only my mom calls me David.

But.. I have been called worse.

Like went I told GF I'm outta town for a few days fishing without her! LOL!
I sent my fishing calendar to my wife today to her work email. Figured she would not use foul language and curse me via her work email. Delaware Jam, Stocktoberfest, Steel Jam, 5 days on Salmon River . . . no rebuttal. Guess is when she gets home I will hear it.
Advance notice will always help as will getting back close to when you said you would.
It's easier to as for forgiveness than permission!
Advance notice will always help as will getting back close to when you said you would.

I got the first part down, we have a family google calander that we use to keep up with schedules. Now getting back on time is a whole different ball of wax. Does not understand epic spinnerfalls.

It's easier to as for forgiveness than permission!

Don't ask for permission, nor do I ask for forgiveness as I am a big boy. However, I hold her to the same standard and equality. I do have shoulder the burden of hearing about it though. LOL.
Redsun and Wsender got the last room at the Capra. If you need suggestions on alternate lodging let me know.
I was wet wading tonight in prep for the Dela Jam, I think I'm ready!
The water on the D is colder than anything you've experienced before.

Bring waders.