Catskill JAM 2011, August 12-14, 2011

when is the "jam" crew heading home? I was thinking of running up Sunday from my camping spot near Barryville.

I think most will bail out by mid-late Sunday afternoon so that they can get home and unload the vehicles. I'd like to leave Hancock by 4-4:30 on Sunday.
t minus one week. time to start tying.

wonder if the river is on fire today...
Less than one week of no sleep for me. I've been grinding and worrying about organizing this thing. I want everyone to have a good time, catch fish, enjoy the raffle and learn about protecting the fishery. Last year it looked like a mud pit and the fishing was awful. Hopefully, things hold as they currently are and we get a little rain to flush out the slime because it's started again in the upper section. No time to tie for me. I'll fish what I got or hit the fly store up there. I need someone to stick a pig in the 24" class this year or I'll consider it a flop.... again.

I'm bringing a laptop and will start a thread like the one fade had for his trip. Take photos and bring a USB cord so that we can get some posted.
krayfish wrote:
Less than one week of no sleep for me. I've been grinding and worrying about organizing this thing. I want everyone to have a good time, catch fish, enjoy the raffle and learn about protecting the fishery. Last year it looked like a mud pit and the fishing was awful. Hopefully, things hold as they currently are and we get a little rain to flush out the slime because it's started again in the upper section. No time to tie for me. I'll fish what I got or hit the fly store up there. I need someone to stick a pig in the 24" class this year or I'll consider it a flop.... again.


No lie.

You have done more for organizing events for the members of this board than most of us. You've done it despite being explicitly banished, and you've shown your face to bury the hatchet, and I think at least part of it is so as not to lose the opportunity to organize events like these. You obviously care deeply about this river, and never once have you shown anything but. You're a grassroots conservationist with this stuff, and you're teaching a lot of people about one of our state's most enigmatic and valuable fisheries.

You've made a friend of the delaware river outta me, and tons of the rest of us. Aside from Afish and a few others, almost everyone here knows of the delaware because of you.

You've done your part. If mother nature doesn't allow it, so be it, but you should relax and enjoy yourself from here on out. You've done your work to organize this. You built it. We are coming. The rest is not up to you.

We all appreciate it. Honestly. Relax.
I agree with jayL. Just chill. I'm sure everyone is looking forward to getting away and hanging out. If I don't catch anything, I won't be disappointed at all. I've been waiting a year to meet some people on this board, and I'm finally going to. You've been nagging me for a year to fish the D. If I can accomplish those two things, I'll be set.

...But it would be equally as awesome to land a fat hog.

We should make a game of it. When Andy starts to freak, he has to drink a beer. lol

2X what Jay said. AND Look at the tag line on your post...

"Relax, its fishing..."

So long as I don't poke a hole in my rod or break my boat I'll have a good time!

No doubt - you've gone way beyond the call of duty Kray....and it's appreciated. Whether we catch fish really doesn't mean much, although I understand you want to see catching (I felt pretty bad after the WW jam last year) but in the end - of course - it's not about catching fish.
A good time will be had.
FI, I keep telling him that. Its a social thing with some fishing (except for obsessed like trowpa) thrown in. I really wish I didn't have this whole beach/family vacation thing. It's gonna be a blast.

And this JAM is gonna be on fire!
One week left Kray...hustle it up!

Relax, it's in the fish's hands now.

Looking forward to it. Will be a good time!
I have some flies that I'll be donating to the raffle. Their Catskill style dries, tied by moi. They're largely unfished, I prefer parachutes/emergers.

Also, would someone care to teach me how to swing wets? I've always wanted to learn...
wsender wrote:

Also, would someone care to teach me how to swing wets? I've always wanted to learn...

Ditto. I've tried in the past and failed miserably getting any takes...unsure of my presentation and without confidence, there isno fish! If you find someone i'd love to sit in on that session!
As predicted, welcome to page 15 boys!

I dont know that I swing wets but in multinymph rigs I have become quite fond of using wets as top fly during sulphers, suggesting a nymph making it's way to the film.

I thought I responded to this?

You, trowpa, those funny leadened masses you drag across the bottom in a dead drift? Imagine those same things, but without the 12 pounds of lead wire and tungsten beads, and fished the same way, you know like sort of upish and across then dead drifted down?

You fish them like that. At the end, when you pull the whole thing otu of the water to re-do it? Resist the urge. Let it sort of get pulled down and across. Mend, if neccessary, to keep it slowish. Wait for tugs.

When its done, and its hanging downstream, wait. I know, its hard, because you're like, "the drag, it is ruining my drift, and the fishes, they know." But thing is, dude, they don't know, coz they're fish, and because you've replaced 12 pounds of lead and dubbing with something soft with wiggly bits of feather that come to life as the water goes by, the fish they think, "this is alive, and swimming and tasty food!" So they watch it, and strike it.

And if that hang, if it still don't produce, you give it a twitch. One, two, three. No? Fine, Lift it out and recast it.

With the numbers of caddis and slate drakes hatching, I almost certainly WILL swing some wets.

I'm not necessarily good at it, but I can promise I've approached it like anything else - sat, scratched my head, figured out how it *should* work, then tried it.

I've caught a few. It's fun. I can show you what I know, which ain't much, at least in the formal sense. It does work for me.

The part I enjoy most about swinging wet flies is that you can really bang some serious casts out there. I watched a guy do it at penns one day during the grannoms, determined that he looked like he was having the most fun, and decided to try it.
Was on the main stem this weekend for smallies and there were plenty of sulphur a few ISO's and BWO's. Not that you guys dis not know that already.
What bugs you see will depend on your section of the river. Higher up on the river will probably see more sulphurs and psuedos. Swinging wets could work. Iso / prince nymphs should be productive as well as some caddis larva.

All the rain we got over the last 48 hrs helped to raise flows, blow out some slime and cool the water temps a bit. All streams should clear by the time we get there and the forecast is for lows in the 50's and highs in the mid 70's. Perfect..... except that they are calling for sunny conditions. Bright sun may push the top water fishing to the first 2 hours of the day and the last hour before dark. At any rate, it appears to be in much better shape than last year.
With jdaddy unable to make it, is someone covering the grill situation?

I can bring a small one that all are welcomed to use (once I am happily fed, of course), but it's small.

You CANNOT depend on a restaurant being open in Hancock. It's screwed me more times than I'd care to admit. I ended up with mcdonalds a few times, and felt lucky to have that. Another time, I ended up with a box of ritz and a bag of combos from the gas station.

Arrange food back at the capra, trust me.
Stay far far far away from the Circle E