Catskill JAM 2011, August 12-14, 2011

I've been trying to work out plans to get up there this weekend...
Beeber had a room reserved but got called in to work and had to cancel.
Right now it looks like I can get up in time for the Saturday evening hatch.

I went to the spring jam in ' laid off in '06, went on a cross country hiatus and haven't linked up since. I'm trying to make a conscious effort to reconnect with the community this year...
So who's fishing friday? I will be up around 11am. Should I just stop at the Capra and look for a motley crue?

I think there will be at least 6-8 guys there by Friday morning. Some are waders, some are floaters. I'm bringing 3 pontoons along and they may already be 'spoken for' on Friday. I'm heading out Friday morning with DaveS around 5:30am to row the boat for him. We should be back before 9-9:30am. I imagine there may be a nap/late breakfast involved before heading back to the river around lunch. There will be several group waves of guys heading out depending on how hard some of the guys go the night prior. LOL. We have 1/2 of the motel booked for our group. Head there and you'll find the group. We have the high number rooms... 7-15.

Also, there is a small group driving up to fish the Esopus if you are interested in that. Carpool for the 90 minute drive and being led by a NY state licensed guide that is quite familiar with the river.
Sorry Nick, no interest in your Frogg's.
Add me to the no-show list. I've been called in to work on Fri and I will be on call on Sat. I hope to make it there one more time the last 2 weeks of Sept. or first week of Oct. Knock 'em dead and tight lines to all!
PhilC wrote:
I've been trying to work out plans to get up there this weekend...
Beeber had a room reserved but got called in to work and had to cancel.
Right now it looks like I can get up in time for the Saturday evening hatch.

I went to the spring jam in ' laid off in '06, went on a cross country hiatus and haven't linked up since. I'm trying to make a conscious effort to reconnect with the community this year...

Looking back at this, I worded it as if I'm definite...its still iffy at this point.
Looks like kray has put a lot of effort into this and just want to make sure I'm not causing any extra effort in case I can't make it...
Well since the grill was iffy at best, ( I actually considered hauling the grill from the back porch but you do have to know when to say when...) I decided some various lunch meats, condiments, and bread, will stave off starvation. Should all of Hancock be closed I will be sell a limited number of MTO sammiches, all at a slight, to heavy profit, depending on demand. I'll also have some other regular muchies that I'm always happy to share.

Not to "snack burn", but DaveS brings some legit munchies.
jayL wrote:
Not to "snack burn", but DaveS brings some legit munchies.

Clearly a ploy to divert attention from your snack stash....
Smoked almonds, granola bars and beef jerky ALWAYS on my boat.
jayL wrote:
Not to "snack burn", but DaveS brings some legit munchies.

Looking like i picked the right roomate :)
Ummmm, click on this link for latest fishing report. Oh yeah, look at that fish !!
One thing is for certian, We boat a fish like that, you'll need a wideangle lens to fit my smile in the picture!

Oh yea, This time tomorrow I'll be on my way!

We can boat one like that.... just have to fish during low light periods. That's why we need to shove off just as day breaks on Friday.
Anyone interested in splitting a room? My friend appears to be backing out.
Brandon's buddy Mike needs a place to sleep. He should be interested in splitting one w/ you.
Cool. Point him in my direction friday night, if you could.
If all else fails Jay, I could pack a blow up mattress and you could stay in our room. Just give me the word. I am sure Nate can pick up the grill. I will text him. If he says he can, I will bring dogs.