Annual Spring Jamboree - May 17-19, 2013 - Seven Mountains Campground

Brian is probably coming again this year. Looking forward to a good time will all off you as usual.
Sasq, scope for action, you have to bring your banjo to play for us, believe me you don’t want me get spontaneous and play the instrument call banjo… :lol:
Jack you better join us for the jam, bring you party, we will show them our hospitality as well.
I will be testing all amazing food I have not experienced last year…
skybay wrote:
Jack you better join us for the jam, bring you party, we will show them our hospitality as well.

I may bring mine party as I come all alone....
Was wondering if there will be and vendor sales at the Jam?
in years past, nope, it's usually a commercial free affair, just fishin, eatin, and drinkin.

things may change though, sure a mod will chime in soon.
This is not on the agenda. We have been able to gain a few comps from sponsors to hold a raffle that pays for the pavillion rental and firering and coffee supplies. But there are no vendors. The focus is friendship and fishing.
Very nice Jack I look forward to meeting everyone and gaining some skills. Are the casting clinics slated for Saturday only?
I'll have some donations for the raffle as well as some products on hand for people to check out if they're interested, but won't have any physical place set up like a vendor table. Not really the intention of the weekend IMO.

Individuals do buy, give away, and trade stuff there. And at the raffle, there's usually "donations" (read, product placement). But no, it's not a commercial affair, it's a social event.

Just a bunch of guys who sort of know each other and agree to show up at a campground on the same weekend. We have a shared passion which unites us.

We do fish, by splitting off into smaller groups. But even the fishing is more socially oriented than it is about maximizing success. Overall, the social aspect is the priority all weekend. The way to think of it is a party. Lots of food, alcohol, conversation, guitars, etc.

You could look at it like woods party. If you aren't a country boy, a hippie party.
A month out and it looks like all my plans are falling into place and it will be Jam 2. The "Moose" and I will be looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones in May. GG
I should be there for atleast saturday. Saturday nights festivities just arent what I do anymore but then again, more than once the fish have dictated my schedule and what I do. :)
Saturday night's festivities aren't what many of us do anymore either. At least not on a regular basis. But special occasions are special occasions. ;)
I'm in. I just booked and I'm really looking forward to it.
Now I need to buy a new rain jacket...
Dan I did Saturday Night festivities last year, and managed to stay stone cold sober. It can be done! I even had a good time!
pcray1231 wrote:
Saturday night's festivities aren't what many of us do anymore either. At least not on a regular basis. But special occasions are special occasions. ;)
^^ and this is special^^
Will there be any PAFF SWAG available at the Jam?
Looks like I am out for this year.. Was really looking forward to going but, I have lost my job and need to be tightening the belt and perusing any jobs leads I can come across. Maybe I will run into a few of you on the water.. Have a good time everyone
Sorry to hear that good luck on finding a new one quickly. Norm
Hey Squaretail, I'll be off Friday night, the 17th at 6PM. Headed to camp that night for some Turkey hunting Saturday and fishing Sunday. Would love to have you stay there if you'd like. Last time you came up, seemed to be my Lucky Charm! Would be nice to spend another weekend "Castin' & Blastin'" With ya!
I'm really looking forward to being there for the entire weekend this time. Last year I only got there for Saturday night, and it was obvious everyone was enjoying the weekend.