2018 PAFF Jam - 18-20 May

I raise 1 smoker. GG
Typical Jamboree:


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^ Yaaaaaup...

Flows on Penns and the Little J are adjusting to Jam levels, with rain predicted each day through next weekend. The Stream Gods have spoken.... :-?




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Looks like I need to pack 2 rain coats? Brown Pants!! GG
Rainy and high-water Jams have their own charm. Mostly because the gatherings are populated more thoroughly. See you under the pavilion roof....
JackM wrote:
Rainy and high-water Jams have their own charm. Mostly because the gatherings are populated more thoroughly. See you under the pavilion roof....

I feel sorry for the guys that looked forward to fishing the May hatches on the Central PA streams. It's only May once a year, and if the streams are blown out, the streams are blown out.

Plus many guys used up their vacation time for the trip, and spent money booking the campsite to enjoy the great fishing in the area.

Fun at the pavillion is fun, but it's best when meeting up after experiencing a great fishing trip that day.

So it goes.....the stream gods always prevail, and either shine down upon us....or rain down upon us.



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a-tom, there are a myriad of smaller waters that will fish well as well as a few lakes in the area. I don't care how much rain we get-- we have raincoats and pavilion. Sorry for the tent campers, however.
Unsolicited advice for tenters:

build a diversion dam just uphill of your tent if it rains real hard. Or sleep with a PFD on.

You must believe; look at the lucidity of that water (5/26/2010 or thereabouts)

Hats, hats are the answer to rain. And I will have hats.

A little too early to be too pessimistic I think. Fortunately the big streams had some room to absorb last night’s rain. They’ve all peaked and are dropping nicely. Enough so that I’m heading up that way to fish this evening’s hatch. The rain probably even helped Spring to be honest.

Tomorrow will be key. If tomorrow underperforms rain wise I think we may be ok...For now, everything is setting up north of I80. Nothing this week looks like a huge soaker as of now too...Just varying chances of showers and storms each day. If the streams don’t get pounded tomorrow, a little maintenance rain throughout the week could have things dialed in...up a little, off a little, but still fishable. Gotta keep a closer eye on Penns as it rebounds much slower than the others, but my official prediction is they’ll be a bit high, but fishable. It’s a fine line between dialed in and blown out.
JackM wrote:
a-tom, there are a myriad of smaller waters that will fish well as well as a few lakes in the area. I don't care how much rain we get-- we have raincoats and pavilion. Sorry for the tent campers, however.

Hey Jack....I fish smaller waters and lakes near home all the time and I can have friends over and drink anytime. For many of us on here that are die-hard FFers (this is a FFing site), the Jam is an opportunity to fish some of the great streams out there during prime time with all the spectacular hatches, and a fun really social get-together afterwards.
So...The rain came south of I80, haha. Bunch of storms fired when the sun broke this afternoon. Just got chased off of Kish, which was borderline too high, this will push it over for now. Looks like Spring may catch a gap til dark, heading there now.
Ok fine...It may be like a normal jam. Got run off Spring by rain now too. Stinks. Sulphurs were around, not heavy, though I didn’t make it to dark. No real active risers, but a sloppy, draggy, emerger like drift near the banks under overhangs with an emerger pattern fooled 4 before the rain hit. See everyone Thursday. I’ll bring the rain gear.
And this is why I feel that any "fishing trip" should be 4 days. minimum. That way, you are bound to catch at least one day, or several hours of good fishing.
Packed and ready to fly. See ya! GG
Think I'll see if I can get my pool and deck ready this weekend.