2018 PAFF Jam - 18-20 May

Good to be back. First time in 4 years. Nice to see folks again, sorry I had to take off butt-early on Saturday morning.
I enjoyed myself greatly and it was pretty much non-stop since arrival. Just as soon as I got there, Maurice hit me up for some fishing on Spring Creek. I ended up with 5 over 8 that Friday. Saturday, I went over to the Feathered hook by using the GPS on my phone. Which the route took me on back trails of non-paved roads. Then it was back to Spring Creek a bit further down from Paradice where I ended up with 2 of 4 hookups. I also got stuck in the mud and almost went in face first. and Saturday Night was good to me. You guys actually let me play my guitar. This was like my first real performance outside of my realm (house). Hope you all enjoyed it. Maybe next Jam I have some lyrics to go with my home brew.
Now who stole my blue "pariste removal area" sign?
PennypackFlyer wrote:
I enjoyed myself greatly and it was pretty much non-stop since arrival. Just as soon as I got there, Maurice hit me up for some fishing on Spring Creek. I ended up with 5 over 8 that Friday. Saturday, I went over to the Feathered hook by using the GPS on my phone. Which the route took me on back trails of non-paved roads.

Past experience told me to not rely on GPS in that area. First time I went to a jam (Hemlock Acres), I knew where I needed to go, but the stupid GPS told me to "make a legal U-turn."

Out of curiosity I decided to follow the GPS instructions. It sent me back into the town I just left, then make a right. I followed that narrow but paved road for awhile past some Amish farms, and it eventually came back out on the same road a few hundred yards from where I did my legal U-turn.

Then it was back to Spring Creek a bit further down from Paradice where I ended up with 2 of 4 hookups. I also got stuck in the mud and almost went in face first.

Would have been a short trip.

Now who stole my blue "pariste removal area" sign?

My guess is one of the moderators took it because it had a bad word on it.
Enjoyed myself, as always. Was there tues - sunday. 2 good nights, 2 fair nights, 1 pretty bad night fishing wise. Great seeing everyone. Saw a couple of bears too, which is always cool.

I'm told i have to tell story, so here goes.

Saturday evening i quit fishing, took my box off, and realized my license was no longer attached. Wondered when and where i lost it. Saturday night, after the raffle, Maurice announced he had one more item and was gonna auction it off. And pulled out my license. Turned out Aducker nymphed it up from the bottom of Spring Creek. It took a pheasant tail? if memory serves, lol. Had resided on stream bottom for at least a day, maybe more, based on where he caught it. What are the chances? I've been re-united with my license and i thank Aducker, and I'm glad i could give the mods a laugh. Too bad he couldnt get it to rise to a dry fly.
Know a guy who was yak fishing in tidal Virginia somewhere (There were no FFers around for him to bother, ease up, it’s not that kind of story.) and dropped a St. Croix/Shimano outfit overboard. Went out the next day and caught a snag...Yep, he got his rig back.

I found Klingy’s dad’s license on a gravel bar about 2.5 miles up a remote wilderness list stream. Weird stuff happens.

pcray1231 wrote:
Enjoyed myself, as always. Was there tues - sunday. 2 good nights, 2 fair nights, 1 pretty bad night fishing wise. Great seeing everyone. Saw a couple of bears too, which is always cool.

I'm told i have to tell story, so here goes.

Saturday evening i quit fishing, took my box off, and realized my license was no longer attached. Wondered when and where i lost it. Saturday night, after the raffle, Maurice announced he had one more item and was gonna auction it off. And pulled out my license. Turned out Aducker nymphed it up from the bottom of Spring Creek. It took a pheasant tail? if memory serves, lol. Had resided on stream bottom for at least a day, maybe more, based on where he caught it. What are the chances? I've been re-united with my license and i thank Aducker, and I'm glad i could give the mods a laugh. Too bad he couldnt get it to rise to a dry fly.

Pat tells the story pretty much the way it happened.

I was nymphing for 3 hours and caught nothing. When I hooked into it my first thought was great no skunk, the thing took off down stream with the current for a few seconds but then it just didn't feel right, so I hauled it in.

I looked at it and couldn't believe I caught someone's license. Then I figured I give up and walked off the stream. Once I got out off the water I looked at it and noticed it was a multi year license and figured, well I'll mail it back. When I flipped it over I couldn't believe it when I read Pats name on it.

I was sure glad I saw the mods when I walked back to the parking lot. I told the story and we had a good laugh about it.

Probably the best fishing story I will always remember:)
Great to see everyone. It certainly turned out a lot better than the weather forecasts had lead us to believe. Always a lot of fun and will get a recap going for the blog. Please share more stories.

I had a blast. Fishing was great, catching, not so great.
What a great Jamboree we had. As Dkile said we had a much better trip weather wise than expected but Penns was still too high and dirty to enjoy. Still we made do with Spring Creek and some smaller class a mixed streams.

We got to see some sulphurs, caught a few on duns and spinners and some plump bows in the stocked section of the class a. But the best times were the comaraderie with some of the best folks I know.

More pics...


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I appear to have lost a tin of Wessex Red Virginia flake. If you find it, and do not smoke a pipe, please PM me so I can get it back. Pretty sure it's a brand new tin!

If you do smoke a pipe, enjoy!
I'm back in Florida and already miss the faces from the Jam. Great to see all of you and socialize at The Pavilion. To the no shows you missed another good one ,Jewbcue was great and Shakey was on his game. The coffee flowed at #56 and the fire ring there was well attended till the rain started. Good time and good memories. Thank you all for being there and saying "Hi". GG
To the Clarion Guy send me a pm as I have had a brain faet and forgotten your name.
Had a great time catching up on things with old friends again.
Was awakened a little earlier than I wanted sunday morning by loud motorcycle noise though. ( was that you biker fish)?
Great time as always. I'm working on a blog post for my site with images and sounds. Here's a teaser from Shakey on Saturday night.

Paflyfish Jams are A#1 in my book.

Hey tomgamber. Someone from CU needed to be there. Where were you?

Thank you Frederick, Charles and Rich for allowing me to share your accommodations. It was great to meet new members, and visit with some familiar faces.
I posted my recap on my site. Hope you don't mind me sharing the link!

I think GG and another unknown alumni were there. There is a pic with someone in a Clarion shirt.
That's linwood. Moose was there as well. jifigz is also a Clarion grad.
There maybe more . All Clarion Grads/ attendees speak up. GG