2018 PAFF Jam - 18-20 May

you can add me, should be there sometime thurs-sun. AND where the hell is Shakey??!!
Howdy folks!!
I will be there Friday day-Sunday night.
I may stay into Monday
Very much looking forward to seeing everyone!!
My fever from an infection isn't dropping much, so that takes me out of the funfest this weekend. I'll miss all you guys.
I will be up thurs. Pm to sun. Am. Looking forward to seeing everyone again. If conditions are bad I will be in the Pavilion with good bourbon tying flies and spare leader setups swapping fish stories with dkile. Regardless of weather we always have a great time.
Yep, I am heading up tonight.

See yinz guys in a while. Let me know if ya need anything.

That picture is from Stan's Bridge.
Looks like the Little J may be the first back to normal. And I spoke with a friend (and guide) today and he had clients on Spring and they were catching fish.
Will there be any scheduled event on Saturday night? Like in the past Dave W was gracious enough to paint a picture and it was raffled-off. There was a general raffle. Chance to buy PA FF hats? Is there going to be a speaker. I am sorry if this was already covered. There are a lot of threads to this post.
Bad news boys. Came home with a tick on me two Saturdays ago. 10 days out and feeling like garbage now. Could just be coincidence, but heading to the doc to be safe. Don’t mess with that stuff. Have fun and be safe fellas. Catch ya next year.
Saturday will be the night of the raffle, some short welcome speeches and some music by Shakey and anyone else who wants to bring some live music. Dave_W has committed to paint a picture, but I am not sure what else may be involved in the raffle. If any wants to donate a prize, I am sure that will be appreciated. All donations will be properly recognized so if you or someone you know is in the business and wants to put up a prize, they can write it off as a business expense.

Just so it is known, only group expenses are paid from raffle proceeds (pavilion and coffee service, etc.), and a remaining balance is donated to a worthy fly fishing related charity.

truck packed, leaving early tomorrow am.
Not sure where I'm heading to fish tomorrow, seems the rain will be heavier to the south. Maybe Fishing creek?? and tribs? Whatever, will decide after camp is made. See yinz tomorrow!
Got here yesterday. Fished spring last night, heavy dun hatch right at dark. Didnt last long. Got 2.

Today hit a brookie stream from 11:30-2. Got 8. Went to spring from 3:30 till dark. Got 9. So 17 on the day, all on dries, despite trying nymphs and streamers. Spring is high but fishable. Focus on the edges, risers inches from shore behind edge rocks and in eddies. Nobody else was catching but i had slow and steady action all afternoon and evening.

No spinners last 2 nights.
Thanks for the updates PC and Bikerfish. Good luck today as it seems like Thursday should be ok on the weather. Keep us posted.
Hey if anyone is planning to bring community grilling meats for the evening festivities , let it be known that there os only one small grill in the pavillion. Plenty of electrisical holes though for crock put delights. So if someone could bring another or two that would be appreciated. Should be lots of fun.

Bring your rubbers.
Have fun gents. Drink hearty, eat much, fish hard and stay dry. Ok I was just kidding about the last one. Just try not to drown. Just post a few pics so we know basically where to search. Enjoy!
Okay - time for recap and reports...

The weather proved better than many had anticipated with much of the precip at night or just in the form of showers or drizzle.

Nevertheless many of the regular destination streams were blown and the old reliable Jam Plan of hitting brookie streams and Spring Creek was in affect for many folks. Fishing results were a mixed bag but overall pretty decent based on what I heard.

Speaking for myself, it was tough and the two evenings I spent on Spring Creek revealed very few bugs and even fewer risers. On Saturday afternoon, Dave, Tom, Maurice, and I, hit a smaller mixed ATW/Class A with some good results, but Spring Creek in the evening was a bust. On my way home today I hit a few of my favorite spots but they were all blown out or rolling - shoulda stayed on the mountain creeks.

The highlight of the 2018 Jam was Aducker's catch, which I'll let him (or Pcray) explain. Pat's probably still working out the probability of such an outcome. :)

Overall a fun time, as usual. Pics to follow...
I am still here !
Anybody else?