2018 PAFF Jam - 18-20 May

I know that with our crazy weather this year we're all thinking what will be happening come the Jam!! If your like me you've been keeping an eye on the internet. If you've never fished the Central Pa area streams, your in for a treat. As long as the weather holds out! I would recommend checking out the local fly shop websites for daily reports. We should have a good week!
1. Swattie87 - Thursday PM to Sunday AM
2. Fredrick, -Monday-Sunday
3. Mooney4 -Monday-Sunday
4. Squatch- Thursday AM to Friday PM (or super AM Saturday?)
5. Gulfgrayhair- Mon - Sun
6. MiniMoose (he lost weight)- Mon - Sun
7. FarmerDave Wed - Sun (subject to slight change)
8. Pro4mance- Wed - Sun?
9. DanL - Wed PM-Mon AM
10. RickinPa Thurs pm to Sunday.
1. Swattie87 - Thursday PM to Sunday AM
2. Fredrick, -Monday-Sunday
3. Mooney4 -Monday-Sunday
4. Squatch- Thursday AM to Friday PM (or super AM Saturday?)
5. Gulfgrayhair- Mon - Sun
6. MiniMoose (he lost weight)- Mon - Sun
7. FarmerDave Wed - Sun (subject to slight change)
8. Pro4mance- Wed - Sun?
9. DanL - Wed PM-Mon AM
10. RickinPa Thurs pm to Sunday.
11-14. JackM, brother Jim, Gino, and Joe. Thursday-Monday
1. Swattie87 - Thursday PM to Sunday AM
2. Fredrick, -Monday-Sunday
3. Mooney4 -Monday-Sunday
4. Squatch- Thursday AM to Friday PM (or super AM Saturday?)
5. Gulfgrayhair- Mon - Sun
6. MiniMoose (he lost weight)- Mon - Sun
7. FarmerDave Wed - Sun (subject to slight change)
8. Pro4mance- Wed - Sun?
9. DanL - Wed PM-Mon AM
10. RickinPa Thurs pm to Sunday.
11-14. JackM, brother Jim, Gino, and Joe. Thursday-Monday
15. Maurice - Thursday PM thru Sunday PM.

Are yinz guys up for a pot luck barbecue/favorite food share Saturday night? If we have enough interest I say we do it. The times we have done it its been great! There are grills for grilling and crock pot hook ups.

I can bring my Salsa and Chips.
1. Swattie87 - Thursday PM to Sunday AM
2. Fredrick, -Monday-Sunday
3. Mooney4 -Monday-Sunday
4. Squatch- Thursday AM to Friday PM (or super AM Saturday?)
5. Gulfgrayhair- Mon - Sun
6. MiniMoose (he lost weight)- Mon - Sun
7. FarmerDave Wed - Sun (subject to slight change)
8. Pro4mance- Wed - Sun?
9. DanL - Wed PM-Mon AM
10. RickinPa Thurs pm to Sunday.
11-14. JackM, brother Jim, Gino, and Joe. Thursday-Monday
15. Maurice - Thursday PM thru Sunday PM.
16. Aducker - Thursday thru Sunday.
Oh and btw the hats are in...some different styles this year. Sure to be a hit. Some camos, bucket, and outback styles to mix in with the usual fare.
Maurice wrote:
Oh and btw the hats are in...some different styles this year. Sure to be a hit. Some camos, bucket, and outback styles to mix in with the usual fare.

Anything for big fat heads!?
See ya Thursday night Andy, have a bucket or outback that might be right up your alley.

The_Sasquatch wrote:
Maurice wrote:
Oh and btw the hats are in...some different styles this year. Sure to be a hit. Some camos, bucket, and outback styles to mix in with the usual fare.

Anything for big fat heads!?
Maurice wrote:

I can bring my Salsa and Chips.

Please do. The Salsa was awesome.
WHO's stopping by my cabin for some beers ? I'm going to put a snakehead sticker on my front door so everyone knows were stop by .

1. Swattie87 - Thursday PM to Sunday AM
2. Fredrick, -Monday-Sunday
3. Mooney4 -Monday-Sunday
4. Squatch- Thursday AM to Friday PM (or super AM Saturday?)
5. Gulfgrayhair- Mon - Sun
6. MiniMoose (he lost weight)- Mon - Sun
7. FarmerDave Wed - Sun (subject to slight change)
8. Pro4mance- Wed - Sun?
9. DanL - Wed PM-Mon AM
10. RickinPa Thurs pm to Sunday.
11-14. JackM, brother Jim, Gino, and Joe. Thursday-Monday
15. Maurice - Thursday PM thru Sunday PM.
16. Aducker - Thursday thru Sunday.
Fredrick wrote:
WHO's stopping by my cabin for some beers ? I'm going to put a snakehead sticker on my front door so everyone knows were stop by .

Or we could just stop at all of them looking for free beer.
(All Jammers add your name to the list)

1. Swattie87 - Thursday PM to Sunday AM
2. Fredrick, -Monday-Sunday
3. Mooney4 -Monday-Sunday
4. Squatch- Thursday AM to Friday PM (or super AM Saturday?)
5. Gulfgrayhair- Mon - Sun
6. MiniMoose (he lost weight)- Mon - Sun
7. FarmerDave Wed - Sun (subject to slight change)
8. Pro4mance- Wed - Sun?
9. DanL - Wed PM-Mon AM
10. RickinPa Thurs pm to Sunday.
11-14. JackM, brother Jim, Gino, and Joe. Thursday-Monday
15. Maurice - Thursday PM thru Sunday PM.
16. Aducker - Thursday thru Sunday.
17. Afishinado - Friday thru Sunday
What's wrong with this picture????
Every year I make contact with people 3 months out who want to do the Fly Fishing Jamboree. And every year when the dates come closer the only guarantee'd attender is myself. It really sucks making reservations in advance especially when you can't pull out without some loss. I will see you all there the morning of the 18th.

PennypackFlyer wrote:
What's wrong with this picture????
Every year I make contact with people 3 months out who want to do the Fly Fishing Jamboree. And every year when the dates come closer the only guarantee'd attender is myself. It really sucks making reservations in advance especially when you can't pull out without some loss. I will see you all there the morning of the 18th.

Next year try making the contacts 2 month in advance because apparently it takes almost 3 months to get to know you.
Deleted Post.

What I said wasn't nice.

(All Jammers add your name to the list)

1. Swattie87 - Thursday PM to Sunday AM
2. Fredrick, -Monday-Sunday
3. Mooney4 -Monday-Sunday
4. Squatch- Thursday AM to Friday PM (or super AM Saturday?)
5. Gulfgrayhair- Mon - Sun
6. MiniMoose (he lost weight)- Mon - Sun
7. FarmerDave Wed - Sun (subject to slight change)
8. Pro4mance- Wed - Sun?
9. DanL - Wed PM-Mon AM
10. RickinPa Thurs pm to Sunday.
11-14. JackM, brother Jim, Gino, and Joe. Thursday-Monday
15. Maurice - Thursday PM thru Sunday PM.
16. Aducker - Thursday thru Sunday.
17. Afishinado - Friday thru Sunday
18. linwood - Wednesday PM thru Sunday
Well FD it didn't take me that long to figure out that you like top bunk.
FarmerDave wrote:
Fredrick wrote:
WHO's stopping by my cabin for some beers ? I'm going to put a snakehead sticker on my front door so everyone knows were stop by .

Or we could just stop at all of them looking for free beer.

Ok give me a report so I know which cabins to stop at :pint:
If'n you see a cooler or bottle on my porch, you can help yourself to a drink or three as long as you leave a few for me.
I see your porch is as big as mine.