2015 PAFF Carpin' Jam - Saturday, July 18th - 7am at Rebers Bridge parking lot

GRP and Volksnurse, sorry to hear that you guys can't make it. For everybody else on the Roster stay tuned in to this thread for confirmation on the status of the Carpin' Jam. I will be checking the stream conditions on the Tully tomorrow PM and will put up a post the latter part of tomorrow afternoon or early evening whether it is on or not. I'm still very hopeful that we can pull it off at this point.
Still looked muddy when I drove over the mouth tonight. You should definitely check tomorrow.
Hey Carpers,

The flow has been cut down to 196cfs.

Tully Flow

Perfect level to pan for gold.

I say get out there and give it a go.


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I go over the mouth five days a week at about 55 mph so it's hard to judge clarity but the water has definitely dropped to a fishable level. If it's clear it should be good for chasing carp. There is usually a big pod of them at the tail out of the hole below Reber's Bridge where Plum Creek comes in. Also go a couple hundred yards downstream from the bridge in the slow water above the Refrigerator Hole. That is usually loaded with carp as is most of the stream.
Looks good to me
Unfortunately I won't be able to attend tomorrow. The window they gave for delivering the couch is pretty much all day. Good luck to everyone who goes!
The Carpin' Jam in ON! Checked the stream conditions this afternoon it was just about perfect for chasing carp. (Maybe just a little bit too clear, but we shouldn't have any trouble spotting them) The Tully dropped to 121 cfs late this morning and the water clarity is very good.

I am laying out a plan B for parking just in case the Rebers Bridge lot is too full for our vehicles. It was pretty full this morning for a Friday AM. There are tricos in the air and on the creek and a fair amount of fishermen fishing tricos but the trout don't seem to be busting the surface too much for them at this point. Maybe the carp will be sucking them in tomorrow. :-D

Parking plan B: from the intersection of Rebers Bridge Road and Pallisades Drive (directly on the other side of Rebers Bridge from the Rebers Bridge parking lot) Turn onto Pallisades Drive and follow for .7 miles to Swiftwater Lane. Turn left onto Swiftwater Lane (no outlet) and follow for .4 miles to the parking lot on the left. A short walk down a trail to the creek will gain us access to the Pallisades section if we need to do that - lots of carp in that area too. I will get to Rebers Bridge parking lot a bit early and if I see a parking issue I will put a post on this thread that simply says "switch to parking plan B". I do not have cell numbers for all of you guys (I have Cody's and Fishidiot's), but you can feel free to PM me your cell number if you wish. I've been really looking forward to this. I hope you guys can stick some good ones!

I nailed a 28 incher up in one of the coves of Blue Marsh Lake this afternoon just to prime the pump!
Good news.
I'll see you tomorrow - will probably arrive a bit later in the morning.
Great! Looking forward to seeing you, Dave. Give me call on my cell phone if your trying to hook up with us later in the morning. PM me if you need my number.
Link to Plan B parking area map:


Thanks Guys for a great time today.
The brown water division of the Warmwater Insurgents today consisted of myself and four other forum members: Fishidiot, Bart, fritz and wildbrowntrout. We had a fun but very challenging day chasing the Golden Bones on the Tully. We saw a lot of fish, but seeing isn't always catching when it comes to carp. We only actually hooked up with 3 carp and only one was brought to hand. Most of the fish we saw were congregated in big pods and cruising or holed up in woody structure and not a lot of actively feeding fish were observed. These conditions make for tough carpin'. The carp in the Tully do appear to be a bit less spooky than many carp but you just can't make 'em eat. Wildbrowntrout was doing well early in the jam nailing the smallies and he also was one of the crew that actually hooked into a carp on his 5 weight outfit. I believe the biggest fish of the day was hooked by Bart and he did a fine job with the fish through its first hard run but somehow that fish came unbuttoned as well. I was pumped to see both of them get into a fish and gain the experience that they did because most of what we learn about flyfishing for carp is learned through experiences like these. Some of our members actually took a bit of a break mid day and starting throwing terrestrials at some of the red striped, spotted, surface feeding and much less intelligent species of fish that inhabit the Tully. One of them was determined to be one of the Tully Cutty-bow strain. :-o Fishidiot finally brought redemption to the BWD-WWI crew by bringing the gold to the net. Not a huge fish but a victory in and of itself. The one thing that we did prove today is that carpin' ain't easy. I really enjoyed the day and hope that everybody that was there took something beneficial away from it. Thanks guys.


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Nice to see somebody actually landed a carp today! Thanks again for holding this jam, dc410
Fun day and a good time on the Tully today. The dark skies in the am had me overlook sunscreen. By mid day it was scorching bright and I was late getting the sunscreen on.

Anyway, fishing was challenging. Those red striped trash fish that were sipping little stuff proved a challenge to catch, but fun in their own way.:cool:
I thoroughly enjoyed the day. Thanks again.
Sorry I missed this....looks like a great time!
sorry i wasnt there my brother came into town. Glad you guys enjoyed it