2015 PAFF Carpin' Jam - Saturday, July 18th - 7am at Rebers Bridge parking lot

Be careful when releasing those delicate creatures. :lol:
FarmerDave wrote:
Be careful when releasing those delicate creatures. :lol:

We'll get 'em back in quick, but we won't feel too bad about taking a snapshot or two even though the water will probably be 75 degrees. ;-)
I'm tentatively in. I've never fished the tully for carp so it should be interesting.
Hey....these carp are used to seeing anglers, so they're not like typical "spooky" carp! :-D Have fun!
dc410, I'm just a kid that would love to have some experience hooking a carp on my 5wt. I catch onto things really quickly and would love to learn how to fish the Tully for carp. Also, I don't mind the walking, I'm an endless source of energy.
Rainbowsforlife, try to make it im sure you will learn some things about carp and hopefully get a carp on the fly
anyone have better directions? i have no clue where i am going, nor how long it will take me.
125 Rebers Bridge Rd, Reading, PA 19608
hookedonthefly wrote:
anyone have better directions? i have no clue where i am going, nor how long it will take me.

Look up to Post #24.

I created a Google map with directions right to the parking lot.

You can type in your home address for turn-by-turn directions or put the coordinates in your GPS unit or phone to take you right there.


Thanks a lot for the links to help guys out with directions to the Rebers Bridge parking lot. I appreciate it.
hookedonthefly wrote:
anyone have better directions? i have no clue where i am going, nor how long it will take me.

MapQuest shows 1 hour and 2 minutes (44 miles) to the address in the above post #30 from Walnutport, PA. That address will get you into the area of Rebers Bridge Road and Pallisades Drive. The actual parking lot is on the opposite side of the metal grate bridge (Rebers Bridge) from that intersection.
dc410.. i must be stupid... buecasue i cant figure out that map or how get directions or gps.
Hello dc410, I made a previous post on my friends account, (rainbowsforlife), about fishing with my 5 wt. What kind of leader should I use? Also, will we need to bring waders to walk in the creek? Thanks!
Wildbrowntrout wrote:
What kind of leader should I use? Also, will we need to bring waders to walk in the creek? Thanks!

I generally tie my own carp leaders. Nothing fancy and usually about the length of my rod. 30-40 lb. butt section, 20 lb. mid section and a tippet of either 1X (13 lb.) or 2X (10 lb.). I am going to tie up some extras and bring them along to the jam. I would be happy to give you one. If you want to use one of mine just have the end of your fly line set up with a loop so a simple loop to loop connection can be made to the leader.

Waders are really not needed, they can be really uncomfortable in mid July. We will be in the creek, hip boots would work or just an old pair of pants and wading boots (or even a pair of old sneakers - carpin' is kind of low maintenance) is probably the way I will go. The wading boots will provide you with more support. Bring along a dry set of clothes for the ride home at the end of the day. Looking forward to meeting you and hopefully seeing you get into a carp on your 5 wt. if you have any other questions just fire away.
Ill bring along some tied up leaders as well if any one needs one.
Just one more. Should we bring lunch?
Any suggestions on flies? I want to tie up some new flies for this, but want to make sure I'm not off-point with what I tie.