2015 PAFF Carpin' Jam - Saturday, July 18th - 7am at Rebers Bridge parking lot

This is going to be a blast
The last time I went carping on the Tully was about 12 years ago, maybe more, up by the Water Works. The stream is a bit shallower there and it was all sight fishing, using green weenies with a small split shot. Had a blast on a 5 weight. They are spooky fish, so you could scare them in to nervous finning or even fleeing. Tread lightly.
Oregon_Owl wrote:
They are spooky fish, so you could scare them in to nervous finning or even fleeing. Tread lightly.

Thanks for the tip, Oregon_Owl. I can't overemphasize the point that is being made here. Stealth and approach is very, very important. We will need to stay focused on that and wade very cautiously. Wear drab colored clothing to help blend in with streamside vegetation. Did you ever see how a blue heron wades while it is fishing? Same concept. This is all great information for any folks haven't spent much time carpin' yet. This should be a lot of fun and hopefully everybody will take something beneficial away from the outing.
John, I have never FF for carp. But it sounds like fishing for bonefish. Which I have caught tons of. Even the flys are similar. I am pretty sure Mike gallagher and I will both be coming. What size tippet do you recommend?

That's awesome Mike. Looking forward to seeing both of you. I usually use 1X, it is a bit overkill but I really need to be able to horse them and apply some serious pressure to simply keep them out of the multitudes of debris jams where I usually fish. 2X or 3x would also work with probably a better chance of more hook ups although you will obviously pop off a few more. I personally wouldn't go lighter than 3X. I never really considered them real leader shy although I'm sure it costs me a hook up here and there. I'll add you guys to the roster.
Carpin' Jam Roster

I'm having a couch delivered that day, so i'm going to be a game time decision depending on when they plan to arrive (I find out the day before).
icyguides wrote:
I'm having a couch delivered that day, so i'm going to be a game time decision depending on when they plan to arrive (I find out the day before).

Game time decisions are understood. Hopefully you get a chance to hook up with us we may be spread out all over the upper section of the special regs section. We're going to be covering some turf and locating fish as well as hopefully sticking a few of them.
If any of you guys have a long handled net you may want to bring it along. If we get spread out over a large area it may be good to have several of them with us. I have an old beater net that we used to use to net flounder out of the boat fishing the bay in O.C. MD. Its not one of those fancy rubber nets but it does work and the carp really don't seem to mind it. :-D Remember, nothin' real fancy needed for this day. This is carpin'! I was doing a little scarpin' (scouting for carp) on the Tully this afternoon and I found a pretty good pile of 'em in one general area. Don't worry, I didn't even take the rod with me. We'll drop the bomb on 'em next Saturday.
John, I can bring my long handed net if you want i dont mind carrying it as I wont be fishing.Ill bring a rod along if someone wants to use it
I've got a big, long handled net as well.
I also have a long handle net I cam bring.
Can't wait.
Thanks, Bart. Looking forward to meeting you. I hope we can get into some on Saturday.
"Scarpin'" Haha, thats awesome.

Im jealous of you able to attend. Sounds like this should be a great day.
Tully is blown out. Not sure you guys will find fishable conditions by Saturday.
I have to back out. I've had something unexpected come up, and I won't be able to make the outing. If it gets rescheduled because of weather, then hopefully the date will work for me.
The last time I fished there, it was running high and brown from recent rains. And I figured it was gonna be a waste of time.
However, I drove downstream to where Cacoosing Creek feeds in.
And the inflow from it was clear, resulting in a band of fishable water in the Tully at their junction.
And I found some trout rising right along the mud line to sulphers.

I don't see why carp wouldn't seek out some clearer water if there is a similar scenario
I have to work up that way on Friday. I'll get a good look at it and make a decision late Friday afternoon. Don't want to jump to a quick decision. As you can see by the streamflow chart the Tully goes up and down very quickly based on releases by the ACOE.
Sorry to do this last minute, but I'm not going to be able to make it Saturday. I was really looking forward to it. :