2014 Steelhead JAM - 7-9 November

In 3 years I haven't been there yet. Hoping to get there Friday & Saturday
I meant the Avonia tavern
Tavern sounds good, I'll definitely be there Saturday night. Been awhile since I've had some good bar food...
I don't think my boss was crazy about letting me off thursday night but I'm really looking forward to the weekend. I'm used to driving the graveyard shift so I'll plan to arrive no later than 7am.

This is my first steelhead trip since the 80s and the days of noodle rods and ultra light spinning reels up in Pulaski.
pro4mance wrote:
I meant the Avonia tavern

Food is good, but IMO service is VERY slow, even when not crowded.

I'll probably stop Friday night.
service is slow, but I figure I'm in no hurry anyways, besides, they DO have beer!
I'll have beer TOO!!!!!!!
bikerfish wrote:
service is slow, but I figure I'm in no hurry anyways, besides, they DO have beer!

I agree and won't be in a hurry either.

The purpose is to go there to shoot the breeze and the time fly by quickly. It is a good place for that.

Just sayin...

If you don't expect fast service you won't be disappointed.

I can't think of a better place for that, but I am not from there.

Slow service ,in Yankee Land, unheard of. Yes, the beer. Food is definitely good. GG
Dave, I have lunch stuff for fishing and, wait for it! Jewish Rye!
Sounds good!

Should I also bring a loaf of homemade wheat bread for the WASPS we will likely be fishing with?

Hey, my last name at least sounds Jewish.
If you'd like I should also have some white bread with me. Homemade wheat bread is great, there is a "Dinor" nearby that makes all their bread from scratch, cut TexAss style
pro4mance wrote:
If you'd like I should also have some white bread with me. Homemade wheat bread is great, there is a "Dinor" nearby that makes all their bread from scratch, cut TexAss style

I'd actually prefer the Rye especially if it comes with some kind of pork product on it. LOL!

But I'm fine with most any food if it is free.

But seriously though, let me know what I should bring.

I do have HAM! Will also have mayo, "Grey Puopon" with horseradish, and horseradish sauce. Was going to get some Gefilte fish, but it didn't go over well at the Spring Jam.
A couple more beers or just a few more minutes standing downwind of Jack and I might have gotten enough nerve to try it.
On the seriously part of what you should bring, is your bubbling personality, your sense of humor, and some 15 year aged scotch. No I don't drink scotch
BTW, has anyone heard from Osprey recently?

He'd be a fun addition.

I didn't think of him because of the Scotch comment though.

I don't drink Scotch, either.
Can't make it. Broke my left arm at work last night. Both bones in forearm broken in half. Tripped and fell into a forklift.
bummer. gg
CathyG wrote:
Can't make it. Broke my left arm at work last night. Both bones in forearm broken in half. Tripped and fell into a forklift.

Holy smokes!! sorry to hear about that Cathy, bummer for sure. best wishes for a speedy recovery!