2014 Steelhead JAM - 7-9 November

PS saw fish cruising all day
If anybody is planning on meeting at Foley's tomorrow please let me know
yes, Folly's, between 7 and 8
I posted a report from last weekend in the stream reports and you can find it on my site www.keystoneflyguides.com bring your meat. You may be surprised!
Friday Nov. 7th
The motley crew of us met at Folly's in the morning. It included myself, GulfGreyhound, Moose, Bikerfish, Fishwagen, and FarmerDave. We went back to the same section we fished the day before.
We were surprised to see the water up quite a bit and off color compared to Thursday, considering the lack of rain in the immediate vicinity.
Several fish were hooked and lost, the most spectacular one lost made FarmerDave's drag scream like a little school girl.
A nice male was landed after lunch, with nice color and girth.

The crew gathered at the Avonia Tavern for a lively dinner and chop busting, we were joined by TimRobinson, aka TimRobinson.
Looking forward to today as water should be clearing up a bit.
L'Chaim !!!!!!!
Well I'm finally back home in Gettysburg and I wanted to say thanks to all the great guys who made my first Steelhead Jam a blast. While the fishing was tough, we managed a good number of hookups but only a few landed. It was not for a lack of trying. We still had a ton of fun and I am already looking forward to heading back for another chance at some chrome.

Here are some of my observations/lessons from this weekend...I think I lost about $50 worth of flies and thingsmabobbers under every rock and tree on Elk, sometimes rocks are actually steelhead, hooking up w a steelhead actually means nothing actually landing it does, Norm (aka pro4mance) is even better in person, TimRobinson may actually work with the CIA, its a show to watch FarmerDave try to tie an egg on w 4x while laughing and the Meatloaf at the Avonia will feed the whole crew.

Thanks again to everyone for making me feel welcome and I'm looking forward to the Spring Jam.

All I can say is that I wish I had snapped a picture of norm fighting the steelhead that he eventually landed. He had been lipping off at me about losing three up to that point, so he was extra careful. By the way, it was flossed.

The funny part was Tony (fishwagon) was in between us and had his fly stuck in a tree. It most have been 40 feet in the air on the other side. His line was at least at a 30 degree upward angle. It would have framed the picture very nicely. :lol:

I know, you were just keeping your line out of Norm's way.

Must be one with the trees.;-)

Wind was brutal at times.
Saturday was a fun day. We were all surprised at the lack of cars parked at the resting place of snuffy and fluffy. People were around but it was allot less crowded then I thought it would be. The group kept rotating in and out of the stream and really had the section to ourselves for the most part.
Fish were around, water had gone back to low and clear compared to Friday. GG lost one in the morning and the fish were very spooky. After a lunch break we went back down and Fishwagen hooked up on like his third cast, he thought he was snagged until the rock started to move.
DanL hooked and lost a couple and I lost 3, the takes were very very subtle. They were active for about an hour and a half and then shut down tight.
Dave I know Biker took some shots while I was "LANDING" my flossed fish. Then came the curse of the Jeeps. DanL's wouldn't start and ended up being towed and Sunday morning after I loaded up my battery was dead. Knew I was going to replace it when I got back anyway. Luckily a nice person had jumper cables and got me going. Stopped on the way home to replace the Kaput battery.
I will make my computer illiterate self learn to post pics this week. I had a great time as usual and met some new people from the "FOLUMN"
Turns out the ground wire on my starter was loose. Took the dealer about a half hour to get it fixed, but I'm still going to tear them a new one when I pick it up tonight. Brand new cars shouldn't have issues and break down 3 hours from home. Could only imagine if I was parked somewhere by Poe Paddy and couldn't call for a tow.

Anyways, I had fun for the fishing Saturday. Wish I could have fished all day Sunday also.

Here's the "lunker" i landed Saturday morning. I guess I can say I wasn't skunked at least, but was nice to hook a few big ones even if not landing them...

Norm, funny you mentioned the bad luck. I also experienced some strange things. Arrived in Erie on Friday morning and my low tire pressure light came on. This is the second time this has happened with this car, and both times were shortly before or after arriving in Erie to fish. Previous time the tires were ok. They just reprogrammed the sensors. I suspect same problem and may ask them to replace all 4 (under warranty) Then on the way home I got another spall in my windshield. I had decided to take 98 down to meadville instead of going interstate. This one is just off center of my line of sight. Right where it grabs my attention at inopportune times. A couple times I reacted because I thought something was crossing the road in front of me, but it was just the spall in the windshield.

And that fly box I thought I lost? Found it in the car when I got home.

MelvinP, Your flies worked well for hooking steelhead, just not landing them. ;-)

DanL, sorry to hear about your problems. If I were there, the SECOND think I would have checked is the ground wire on the starter. First would have been ground wire at the battery. Odd that the tow guy didn't check that, but then he might not have gotten paid as much for fixing the problem. Spread the wealth you know.

Odd that it would happen on a new one though.
Dave it must have been a relative of the Ghost Amish Fisherman, maybe the Erie car screwing ghost
pro4mance wrote:
Dave it must have been a relative of the Ghost Amish Fisherman, maybe the Erie car screwing ghost

Are you sure he wasn't a fishing orthodox Jew ghost in disguise? I could have sworn I heard someone call me a schmuck when I hooked the third one.

Something like that.
Great to meet everyone on Saturday, even if it was just briefly in the morning. Had the pleasure of fishing with Mucka, TimRobinson, and bikerfish most of the day. Our first location on Elk was a zoo, but after moving around and covering a lot of water we found some fish. Between the three of us we did pretty good bringing a bunch of fish to hand, and Mucka also got a little wild fish to cap off the day which was cool. I know TimRobinson snapped a ton of photos which I'm sure he'll post. Great time on the water with some great people. Looking forward to next year!

And a big thanks goes out to Ryan. Those donuts were epic.
^^^ I second all of that. Got to meet some great people and had a really great time out there Saturday. Streamer had himself an afternoon out there! No need to be bashful about it! Looking forward to doing it again and hopefully make it it to the spring jam this year!
Hey...we parked next to a Pet Cemetary for two days...something bad had to happen.
Mucka wrote:
Streamer had himself an afternoon out there! No need to be bashful about it!

Yeah, I guess I didn't do too bad :)

You outfished me last weekend, so it was my turn this weekend!haha.
Ha! Last weekend I'm sure was an anomaly!
Sounds like a whole lot of flossing going on.

Not the little wild one though. Even I am not that good.;-)
I'm not good enough to floss. Still chalking it up to luck.
Crest is the most productive for me. I've tried Colgate, but it's scent isn't as good IMO.

Good for flossing the spawners, but Crest seems to work better for that precision deep-water flossing ;-)