2014 PAFF Instructional Jamboree (Newbie Jam) Saturday 3/15/14

J55tyger88 wrote:
Just gonna make a prediction here...
We wont get hit that hard with this latest snow storm, but if we do the weather will warm up, melt ALL the snow before the Jam leaving enough time for the water to warm back up again. Then we'll have great weather for the Jam with multiple spring hatches with tons of dry, emerger, nymph, and streamer fishing for our time on the water.

I like to think this is how it will go...hopefully

Exactly what my psychic hotline said....last year it snowed and was still a great time, but I hope the weather cooperates a bit more this year.

Is there a line up of who's doing what yet?

I belive there is in the beginning of this thread. This will be a good time even if there is 37 feet of snow.
Volksnurse wrote:

Exactly what my psychic hotline said....last year it snowed and was still a great time, but I hope the weather cooperates a bit more this year.

Is there a line up of who's doing what yet?

JT - When it's coming down so hard you can't see across the Little Lehigh, it's more than snowing......

I checked the list - You are doing it all while the rest of us watch your little girl tie flies :)
"We wont get hit that hard with this latest snow storm"

So far I'm 1/1. Bring on the blizzard hatches!
Ed, if the weather doesn't break soon, you want me to do a snowshoe demo? LMAO. I'll be showing people how to sit in a running car with the heater on. Geez.
Long range forecast shows sunny, with a high of 45 degrees.

I'll take that. :)
Sounds like perfect weather to learn and have a good time doing it.
I've been lurking for some time, having just picked up fly fishing again last fall. Looking forward to coming to this event to learn from some grizzled vets of the sport. Also can't wait to cure this cabin fever!
Welcome to the jungle.

You will find a great group of people here , willing to share a tremendous amount of knowledge.
I am so very ready for this event.... My casting has gone to hell.
I cast like THOR throws his hammer....
JVenezia wrote:
I am so very ready for this event.... My casting has gone to hell.
I cast like THOR throws his hammer....

Hey - I resemble that remark!
I am really looking forward to this. Should be alot of fun. H-A I am ready to do my part. Is there a particular time you would want me there. Should not take me long to get set up. I will be staying for the whole event and doing some fishing.

Are the organizers aware that one-day licenses are not available for purchase on the date of this event? According to the PFBC website 1-day tourist and resident licenses are not valid from March 15 to April 30. I was planning to attend but this rules out the on stream instruction part for me.
Hi calapp,

The 3 day tourist license is the same price as the 1 day tourist license, and it IS valid in that time frame.

You might want to get a non-resident license to take advantage of the excellent fishing opportunities just over the border.

Just sayin'...... ;-)

BTW - Don't forget the trout stamp.

Annual licenses are valid from December 1, 2013, through December 31, 2014. WHILE FISHING, your license must be signed in ink and must be displayed on an outer garment. In addition, anglers must be prepared to furnish positive proof of identification
Code Type of Fishing License or Permit Age Cost*
101 Resident (Annual) 16-64 $22.70
104 Senior Resident (Annual) 65 & up 11.70
105 Senior Resident (Lifetime) 65 & up 51.70
108 1-day Resident (not valid March 15-April 30) 16 & up 11.70
102 Non-resident (Annual) 16 & up 52.70
106 1-day Tourist** not valid March 15-April 30) 16 & up 26.70
103 3-day Tourist 16 & up 26.70
107 7-day Tourist 16 & up 34.70
150 Trout/Salmon Permit 16 & up 9.70
151 Lake Erie Permit 16 & up 9.70
152 Combination Trout-Salmon/Lake Erie Permit 16 & up 15.70

* Includes issuing agent fee of $1.00 and $0.70 electronic processing fee.
**Includes Trout-Salmon and Lake Erie permits
For the instructors - try to be there at 7:30.

This will give us plenty of time to set up anything we need to.

I'll be there at 7AM, as I have to open the classroom building, get the lights on, etc.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
For the instructors - try to be there at 7:30.

This will give us plenty of time to set up anything we need to.

I'll be there at 7AM, as I have to open the classroom building, get the lights on, etc.

Do you know if there is any Wi-Fi access available?
salmonoid wrote:
Do you know if there is any Wi-Fi access available?

Uhhh, yes and no. The building that has the router is like 50 yards away. I think we tried it once and it was just too far.

There will be someone from the Wildlands Conservancy there, so we might be able to try again.

Don't count on this working though.....

We used Fox's phone for a mobile hotspot, and that worked last year. Unfortunately, Foxgap can't make it this year.
Pcray, I'm in, I must have missed it...I'll find it tomorrow and reply
Heritage-Angler wrote:
salmonoid wrote:
Do you know if there is any Wi-Fi access available?

Uhhh, yes and no. The building that has the router is like 50 yards away. I think we tried it once and it was just too far.

There will be someone from the Wildlands Conservancy there, so we might be able to try again.

Don't count on this working though.....

We used Fox's phone for a mobile hotspot, and that worked last year. Unfortunately, Foxgap can't make it this year.

Got it. I've only got a 1Gb monthly data plan; otherwise I'd be glad to use my phone and also offer it as a mobile hotspot.