2014 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Jamboree - 13 Dec.

O....I have more then I ever will use. ;-)
Shane's getting "Jiggy With It" lol
I've got a few donations coming in from some previous sponsors. As always, we welcome donations for the raffle from the group, so flies, tying material, books, etc would all be helpful. All proceeds benefit the LGNC.
We still have room for more tyers so if your on the fence jump in! If we don't get at least a few more I'll have to fill time with my "35 ways to half hitch" demo :)

Heritage-Angler wrote:
Rick - I have no clue as to the raffle donations. Frequent Tyer is handling that, but I'm sure he's got some irons in the fire...

Updated List

1) SBecker: Puff Daddy
2) Volksnurse: Matuka
3) DC410: Olive Wooly Bomber
4) GenCon: Breadcrust
5) SkyBlue: Adult Caddis
6) NickR: Sculpin
7) Murph: Parachute Sulphur
8) Blueheron: Hair Streamer / Marabou alternate
9) J55tyger88: Henryville Special
10) DJS12354: Ice Dub Caddis
11) Mooney4: something like a Klinkhammer
12) bialeckij: a most welcome spectator
13) jay348: deer hair demo
14) CathyG: special guest/observer
15) Old Lefty: March Brown nymph
I will be donating a rod and reel outfit.
That is fantastic, and much appreciated!
SkyBlue wrote:
I will be donating a rod and reel outfit.

I will tie up a box of streamers and throw it in the raffle.
Thanks Nick, that will be great!
We could still stand to have a few more tyers. If any of you are thinking about it, now is the time to jump in. Also feel free to twist some arms if needed :)
GenCon twisted my arm today. I'm a novice tyer so sign me up for doing a Walt's Worm. I could also demo on how to use a whip finisher.

Dec is a busy month at work so there is a chance I may not make it but I will be able to confirm by Dec 6.
RCFetter wrote:
GenCon twisted my arm today. I'm a novice tyer so sign me up for doing a Walt's Worm. I could also demo on how to use a whip finisher.

Dec is a busy month at work so there is a chance I may not make it but I will be able to confirm by Dec 6.

Way to go Bob, I hope you can make it.

Good job GenCon, and welcome Bob!

Updated List

1) SBecker: Puff Daddy
2) Volksnurse: Matuka
3) DC410: Olive Wooly Bomber
4) GenCon: Breadcrust
5) SkyBlue: Adult Caddis
6) NickR: Sculpin
7) Murph: Parachute Sulphur
8) Blueheron: Hair Streamer / Marabou alternate
9) J55tyger88: Henryville Special
10) DJS12354: Ice Dub Caddis
11) Mooney4: something like a Klinkhammer
12) bialeckij: a most welcome spectator
13) jay348: deer hair demo
14) CathyG: special guest/observer
15) Old Lefty: March Brown nymph
16) RCFetter: Walts Worm
Just a week to go! Donations for the raffle are looking good and we currently have 15 tyers which is great. Its not too late to sign up and we can always use more.
I don't think we have any mayfly duns on the list, so I'm going to tie a simple generic dun and babble about dry fly design.

Updated List

1) SBecker: Puff Daddy
2) Volksnurse: Matuka
3) DC410: Olive Wooly Bomber
4) GenCon: Breadcrust
5) SkyBlue: Adult Caddis
6) NickR: Sculpin
7) Murph: Parachute Sulphur
8) Blueheron: Hair Streamer / Marabou alternate
9) J55tyger88: Henryville Special
10) DJS12354: Ice Dub Caddis
11) Mooney4: something like a Klinkhammer
12) bialeckij: a most welcome spectator
13) jay348: deer hair demo
14) CathyG: special guest/observer
15) Old Lefty: March Brown nymph
16) RCFetter: Walts Worm
17) Frequenttyer: Dry fly design/simple Biot Wing Dun
If you still have room, I would like to give the kid off this year and take a crack at it myself......Just hide me in a corner where I won't embarrass myself too badly.

Found a cool little pattern called a "Crawling cdc midge pupa". Going to give it a shot.
Glad you're coming hack...If Ben's not tying, you have some tough shoes to fill :>
I would be willing to do a mayfly also. Your call.
Welcome aboard Hack. Skyblue, thanks but no need to change. We have a good representation of fly types and techniques and I think your caddis pattern adds to that.

Updated List

1) SBecker: Puff Daddy
2) Volksnurse: Matuka
3) DC410: Olive Wooly Bomber
4) GenCon: Breadcrust
5) SkyBlue: Adult Caddis
6) NickR: Sculpin
7) Murph: Parachute Sulphur
8) Blueheron: Hair Streamer / Marabou alternate
9) J55tyger88: Henryville Special
10) DJS12354: Ice Dub Caddis
11) Mooney4: something like a Klinkhammer
12) bialeckij: a most welcome spectator
13) jay348: deer hair demo
14) CathyG: special guest/observer
15) Old Lefty: March Brown nymph
16) RCFetter: Walts Worm
17) Frequenttyer: Dry fly design/simple Biot Wing Dun
18) Hack: Crawling CDC Midge Pupa
What is acceptable for the raffle donations? I have an unused rod & reel but no warranty card for it. I also have assorted tying materials but its just small stuff.

I've been trying to tie a few things but my left hand is still pretty much useless after breaking my arm last month. Yesterday I attempted a steelhead hot spot rubber leg stonefly. It wasn't pretty.
Volksnurse wrote:
Glad you're coming hack...If Ben's not tying, you have some tough shoes to fill :>

There is a certain irony to that.........

We are both looking forward to coming and seeing the gang and, of course, dinner. When I was practicing last night, I asked him if he wanted to tie, and he took a pass. At 15, I am just glad to have him willing to hang out. If you guys convince him otherwise, that's up to you..... ;-)

He did offer to let me bring his desk, though. I declined (unless you would like to use it, SkyBlue). He then proceeded to make fun of mine. :-(
CathyG, anything you would like to donate would be acceptable and appreciated. We don't really have any rules other than all proceeds go to the nature center.

Hack, I think Ben is just being kind and has decided not to embarrass the rest of us with his superior skill ;-)

While I can't make this event, I'll donate a trout stamp print for the Nature Center.

FrequentTyer: please check your PM.
Got your PM and replied Dave. Thanks, and sorry you can't make it for the event.