2014 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Jamboree - 13 Dec.

HA thank you. Im in. fly TBD
That's a deal ed. Pm me with some details. I promise I'll tie next year lol. I'm moving the 25th and just don't want to commit in case I don't get time to make a whole hearted effort this year.
Tyger, you da man!


I'll be coming down for this, (if the new grandchild doesn't arrive at a point that changes plans).

As for tying - you must need a "Don't do this" station. What I do at the vise isn't up to the quality of the tiers that share their knowledge and demonstrate their abilities every year.

B S Sir. You can't hide forever Dave....and congrats on the new Grandbaby!

djs12354 wrote:
What I do at the vise isn't up to the quality of the tiers that share their knowledge and demonstrate their abilities every year.

Up to 9 tyers already! We can handle about 30, so don’t be shy. Now that we managed to persuade Tyger and recruit Jhedge as rafflemeister, I think we all need to turn all our attention to DSJ12345. One of the great things about this event is that beginning tyers can learn something from the more advanced tyers, but it definitely goes the other way. We all do things a little differently and there is always room for improvement. HA should chime in on this point, but I would say that if your fly catches fish, you are an accomplished enough tyer to present at the jam.

Updated List

1) SBecker: TBD
2) Volksnurse: Matuka
3) DC410: Olive Wooly Bomber
4) GenCon: Breadcrust
5) SkyBlue: Adult Caddis
6) NickR: Sculpin
7) Murph: Parachute Sulphur
8) Blueheron: Hair Streamer
9) J55tyger88: TBD
FrequentTyer wrote:
HA should chime in on this point, but I would say that if your fly catches fish, you are an accomplished enough tyer to present at the jam.

I'd say if you can tie a fly - any fly - in 20 minutes, you're good enough to tie a demo at the tying jam.

Really, it's that simple.

As far as djs12354 - I spoke to him yesterday morning. Dave's only real problem with tying is his lack of self confidence. I've spent enough time tying with him to see that he does a lot of things really well. A few simple things cause him grief, but many of the things that cause even seasoned tyers trouble, he can do with ease.

When you guys watch him tie, you'll wonder what he was so nervous about! He's a whole lot better at this than he's letting on.

And so..........

Updated List

1) SBecker: TBD
2) Volksnurse: Matuka
3) DC410: Olive Wooly Bomber
4) GenCon: Breadcrust
5) SkyBlue: Adult Caddis
6) NickR: Sculpin
7) Murph: Parachute Sulphur
8) Blueheron: Hair Streamer
9) J55tyger88: TBD
10) djs12354: TBD

Nice job Volks! I'm liking the Matuka. Just realized that I posted back on the tying Jam thread (which is ok) - I was referring to the Matuka that you posted on the other thread. Many, many moons ago .... that used to be one of my "go to" streamers. I may need to crank out of few of them again, now that you reminded of them. The Matuka is a great pattern for the tying Jam. Looking forward to it.
I will tie a Puff Daddy.
Mike and Ed,

I hope you don't come to regret this, but I will tie at the jam.

I was showing Joy your posts and she heard the conversation that Ed and I had and she pushed me to tie as well.

At her suggestion that I tie something "kid friendly" that I would be able to share at the bench with our grandchildren. I didn't want to just do a bugger or green weenie, both of which I have done with the grands, so I did a little web searching for a suitable pattern.

All that being said, I will tie an Ice Dub Caddis.

On your heads be it.

Sounds great, Dave!

You'll do fine - I have no doubts.

What about Dan? Don't MAKE me call him! :lol:
Hey Ed!! I'm in too! I was thinking maybe something like a Klinkhammer. Cant wait!!
Dave, I'll take full responsibility for any damage you cause ;)

Updated List

1) SBecker: Puff Daddy
2) Volksnurse: Matuka
3) DC410: Olive Wooly Bomber
4) GenCon: Breadcrust
5) SkyBlue: Adult Caddis
6) NickR: Sculpin
7) Murph: Parachute Sulphur
8) Blueheron: Hair Streamer / Marabou alternate
9) J55tyger88: TBD
10) DJS12354: Ice Dub Caddis
11) Mooney4: something like a Klinkhammer
mooney4 wrote:
Hey Ed!! I'm in too! I was thinking maybe something like a Klinkhammer. Cant wait!!

Glad to see you're in!

Looking forward to seeing your technique on the Klink. Your tying skills are rock solid, and I'm sure folks can learn from you.

As usual, you're in charge of leading the caravan up to Riverwalck. It's the only way we can guarantee you won't be left behind for dinner. :oops:
Food...did I hear something about food??
OldLefty wrote:
Food...did I hear something about food??

Well, if you click on this link you will.


We have reservations for 6:30PM under the name paflyfish. Just mention this when you get there, and you'll be taken to our table(s).

Great food, half gallon size frosted mugs of beer.

Life is good! :pint:
This sounds grand, but unfortunately I'll be tied up that day. Next year...
Im gonna tie a Henryville Special
Heritage-Angler wrote:

Great food, half gallon size frosted mugs of beer.

Life is good! :pint:

Half gallon size frosted mugs sound great, but with my drive home, I'll be limited to just one. :-(
Plans fell through, so I can make it again! Looking forward to it as always. Pattern tbd.

HA, I shot you a pm...lemme know what you think.