2014 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Jamboree - 13 Dec.

It was another great year for the tying jam and as always I had a great time. As Ed points out every year, the people that really make this happen are the tyers that step up and share what they know. We have an amazing amount experience on this forum, and the willingness to share that is obvious in the folks that took the time to prepare and present a fly. We had presentations from guys that have been tying for a lifetime, and from guys that have been tying for months. But they all have in common, a love of fly tying that they shared with the group. It's that sense of community that makes PAFF a great forum and makes these events successful. So thank you all!
Special thanks to our raffle sponsor J Stockard for the generous donation of gift certificates, and to all the forum members that donated items for the raffle. I won't try to list them all here because I don't want to leave anyone out, but in addition to all of the items mentioned in this thread we had several fly boxes, sets of flys, fly lines etc... Thank you all for helping support the tying jam and the nature center!
Was really great to get to meet some new folks from this forum and get to see some old friends as well. Hopefully I will get to spend some time on the water with some of you guys. Learned some great tips on spinning deer hair... thanks Jay348 for the awesome demo. Thanks for organizing the event Ed and Mike.
I had a good time, and it was nice to see everyone again, as well as putting faces to names. That deer hair demo was cool, and the fact jay hasnt been doing it too long is impressive. Lots of cool tricks I learned, and will be applying to my style of tying.

Thanks again mike and ed!

Once again this was a fantastic day!! Thanks you to Mike and Ed for putting this all together! It was great seeing old faces and meeting the new ones as well. Getting together and learning from others is such an important part of everyones growth in this "hobby" I can't stress if you haven't had a chance to come to one of these events, you really should try and make one. It will only make you a better fishermen! It was great talking to you once again Dave "Old Lefty". I always enjoy those chats.