2014 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Jamboree - 13 Dec.

Wow! Free donuts and coffee. You must be doing something right :)
Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. We will be arriving around 8:30, and the event runs from 10-5. Tyers should arrive early enough to get setup, or before the coffee runs out.
Safe travels all and we will see you in the morning,
Hey all, sorry I couldn't make it. I ran into a slight complication this morning.
Good turn out...


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Raffle table, lots of good stuff.
The 2014 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Jamboree was held yesterday at the Lehigh Gap Nature Center.

It was a fun day, and it was nice to see many old friends, and meet new ones as well.

The tying skills of our forum members was on display, and there was a lot to learn from all of them.

We also raised close to $300 for the sole benefit of the Nature Center through our raffle, and I'd like to thank all that contributed to that effort. I'm sure we'll be welcome back there for our event in future years.

Any description of the event I may add surely pales in comparison to the efforts of our tyers, so I'll let the amature pictures I took of them and their work speak for itself.


Here's a list of the tyers, and the pattern they tied.

All tyers are listed by their forum names, except for Dale Steventon - long time former President of Hokendauqua TU, and George Grossman - a visiting tyer from Alaska.

Frequent Tyer - Biot Wing Dun
Dale Steventon - Krill Shrimp
SkyBlue - "Down & Out Caddis"
NickR - "Stoner Sculpin"
mooney4 - Klinkhammer
hack - "Crawling CDC Midge Pupa"
J55tyger88 - Henryville Special
GenCon - Breadcrust softhackle
RCFetter - Walt's Worm
Old Lefty - March Brown Nymph
George Grossman - Flesh Fly
djs12354 - Ice Dub Caddis
SBecker - Vladi Worm
Blue Heron - Hairwing Streamer
jay348 - deer hair demo
dc410 - "Wooly Bomber"
volksnurse - Matuka Streamer
For some strange reason, Volksnurse's Matuka didn't upload to the slideshow.

Gotta work on that. Here's a picture of it until I can figure this out....


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I feel special, Ed.....:)
Doughnuts, laughs, information, inspiration, and a great bunch of guys and gal. Thanks to all for sharing.
Sorry I could not make it this year. I will try to attend the next one. Sounds like a great time as usual.
Volksnurse wrote:
I feel special, Ed.....:)

Warning - Politically Incorrect Response Follows:

Volks - I often hear your name in conjunction with Special Ed.
Thanks to Mike and Ed for all their hard work organizing this event. I had a great time chatting with and learning from all the tiers assembled. Lot of talent in one room!


I also want to thank Ed and Mike for putting this together. Mike it was nice to finally meet you. There was some really great tyers. I also want to say a special thanks to Tyger and RCFetter. You guys did a great job. I had a great time.

I had a good time meeting everyone. Thanks for putting this event together.
I agree, I learned some new tricks and also had a great time. Thanks Mike and Ed.
A big thanks to Mike and Ed for a very well planned event. I have always enjoyed this event and yesterday was certainly no different. I really enjoyed meeting some new folks and having the day to chat with some old friends. I always take something beneficial away from these events. Just a great group of folks with a lot of talent. Good stuff!
I had to sit next to Becker because I showed up late.
That will teach you to be late....

Had a great time like usual. Thanks to Mike and Ed for organizing a real fun event. It was a treat to sit and talk to Really Old Lefty about techniques and George about Alaska. Nice seeing guys I have not seen for awhile and set up new fishing adventures.
blueheron wrote:
I had to sit next to Becker because I showed up late.

:lol: :lol: :lol: