Your Fish of the Year

I took the first trip of my life to Montana last summer. My main goal was to catch a Yellowstone cutthroat. I caught my first one in Slough Creek in the NE corner of Yellowstone National Park. It was not huge but a solid, beautiful and tough fighting cutthroat trout. With the “hoot owl” restrictions in effect in the park, I don’t have a photo as I released the fish without taking it out of the water. However, it is etched into my memory as a milestone in my flyfishing career.
Beautiful pics to look at. Frederick that's a hell of a bass and Nymph that brown in the bottom pic is amazing. I did not fish very much this year, I fell while easing my way down a steep bank and tore my rotator when I braced for impact. These epics have me motivated to do some winter fishing Thanks for sharing......
Not a chart-busting fish, but likely the "fish of the stream". For that reason, this fish is my most memorable of the year. I generally don't catch large fish (>20") due to the waters I fish, so I have to utilize other criteria to separate the more memorable ones from the others. This guy came from a small red sandstone freestoner.




My Fish of the Year was a 14" rainbow from a small Wild Rainbow stream in PA. It was part of the wild trifecta I caught on that cold rainy day.

I've also included my #2 fish of the year, a 19" Willowemoc brown trout. It was special for several reasons. It was on my first trip to the catskills, I caught it on a streamer (one of my favorite ways to fish) and it's size was on the upper end of the trout I catch. I think it is a stocked fish but that odd colored spot behind it's eye makes me wonder if it is wild.


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Fish of the year was the one i did not catch. Ha Ha--------got to go fishing again this Year. One more time! Friendship, fellowship, hot dogs and burgers, Yep, i caught the fish of the year! My Buddies!

dc410 wrote:
I took the first trip of my life to Montana last summer. My main goal was to catch a Yellowstone cutthroat. I caught my first one in Slough Creek in the NE corner of Yellowstone National Park. It was not huge but a solid, beautiful and tough fighting cutthroat trout. With the “hoot owl” restrictions in effect in the park, I don’t have a photo as I released the fish without taking it out of the water. However, it is etched into my memory as a milestone in my flyfishing career.

That's the kind of fish I want to read about. It's as much the journey and location as the fish.
wgmiller wrote:
Not a chart-busting fish, but likely the "fish of the stream". For that reason, this fish is my most memorable of the year. I generally don't catch large fish (>20") due to the waters I fish, so I have to utilize other criteria to separate the more memorable ones from the others. This guy came from a small red sandstone freestoner.

I’ve long wondered what was in that hole. I’ve probably fished that hole a half dozen times since it formed and never caught or saw anything. I assumed there was a (relatively for the stream) big Brown under that right undercut rock. Good to see what was there, even if I didn’t catch it. Was it under the right rock?

I had the same experience shortly upstream from there at the next S bend where the flow narrows into a small chute with a couple big boulders on the left. Eventually I pulled a low teens Brown out of that lair, but that was about 8 or 9 years ago, and I’m sure the hole has turned over its occupant several times since.
WGMiller, I think I know that stream and hole. If I'm not mistaken, I saw him rising in the spring. I can't remember if I missed him or hooked the log. I knew he was a nice one!
I really didn't fish a whole lot this year. Here is a photo of a wild brown my brother caught out of Middle Creek. Catching wild fish in unexpected places can be the catch of the year.


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My favorite fish of the year is this wild rainbow: for two reasons- 1 Because it represents the possibility of catching a wild trout trifecta on my favorite stream and- 2 because I caught it on a dryfly which is a reletively new method for me. Here's to the pursuit in 2022!


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Swattie87 wrote:
I’ve long wondered what was in that hole. I’ve probably fished that hole a half dozen times since it formed and never caught or saw anything. I assumed there was a (relatively for the stream) big Brown under that right undercut rock. Good to see what was there, even if I didn’t catch it. Was it under the right rock?

I had the same experience shortly upstream from there at the next S bend where the flow narrows into a small chute with a couple big boulders on the left. Eventually I pulled a low teens Brown out of that lair, but that was about 8 or 9 years ago, and I’m sure the hole has turned over its occupant several times since.

I would say that was his "home", although he was lurking at the bottom of the plunge pool from the downed tree when I found him on a sculpin pattern. As you know, this is a stream that is constantly changing with each high water event, which creates new habitat for the fish.
Missouri River in June on size 16 dry. Fun. Pic does not do it justice.

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Two of my better rainbows for 2021. Sorry for the late submissions. A 19" Delaware rainbow on a #22 olive and a 21" from a Montana tailwater.

Bard Parker 19 Inch July 2021
21 Inch Rainbow
This was not my fish but my son with his largest brown of his life this past spring on a central PA stream. The fish took a yellow sucker spawn and put up a hell of a fight.


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A Yellowstone Cutthroat from Slough Creek that took an ant and Yough rainbow caught on my birthday.


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