woollybugger swap ever done?


My buggers are in the mail! A deer hair bugger is also known as a Bow Bugger. Here's a link to the pattern if interested:Bow Bugger. The ones I tied are of a different color scheme, but neverless the same.

I'll be mailing mine out this week... I am excited to see everyone's hard work!

With any luck I'll get to the post office tomorrow and even have the flies with me this time. A sober mind is a terrible thing.
Here is a pic of what to expect from me.

All lined up, waiting to go fishing!

I am really looking forward to seeing and fishing all the buggers.
Got a heap of buggers here. It's a beautiful thing.

I'll be gettin em off tomorrow over lunch.

Oh, and two of y'all are gonna be the lucky recipients of a bugger with an olive body as opposed to black. I ran out of black chenille, so I had to put a little extra mojo on those two to make up for it.

Mine are in the mail, sorry it's taken me so long. I've got a new job and have been swamped getting things going. Looking forward to seeing everyone's tyes and getting input on mine. :)
Mine also arrived today. Thanks DJ for setting up the trade and for again granting my participation. What a fantastic job by everyone, this is a killer selection of buggers! Can't wait to throw these at some fish!
Got mine too. Nice job guys!

Thanks djmyers.

So who got the two lucky olive ones?
Olive body, olive hackle, copper wire and black tail? If so one of them came my way.

I'm really impressed with the patterns and the quality of the ties. I just checked them out again, great job one and all!!!

yep. That's one of the lucky two. Like I said earlier, I ran out of black chenille, and had to throw two extra mojo olive bodies in there to make up for it.
Nice looking pattern Jay, awesome tying! Olive and black together have been productive for me in the past. Always a good combo in my opinion.

I like how they came out.

If ya promise not to tell anyone, I follow the step by direct instructions on the back of a whiting bugger pack :p. That is some good bugger hackle, and their method is pretty killer.
Damn good hackle from my experiences. I like the 100's. easy to work with and good for roughly 100 flies. Great when you're doing high volumes with the same size flies/hackle. Thanks for the tip :-D

Btw, the brown krystal bugger was VERY productive for me this past fall. Probably my go to pattern, hence the reason I tied them up for the swap. I hope it brings everyone the same kind of luck.
Yeah, I just took a peek at them to see which was yours.

I'll be tossing that one at valley within a few weeks.

I love how flybop gave us a taste of the west with his flies. I think I'm going to save that one for a 22" wild brown at the gunpowder. I hope the water is up like it was last year. It'll be perfect.
I'll have to get to the post office tomorrow to see if mine are there. I did my best to get a step by step up on my site, but the file is huge and all it is is some pics. I made it in Windows Movie Maker and can not understand why it is so huge.

If you guys go to my web site and follow the link to the pattern page the movie there is not my bugger. However, give it a look, I think you will find it interesting.

Thanks again to Dean for all his work for the swap.
Wow, flybop.

That video was incredible.
That was in a swirling back eddie on the lower Yellowstone last fall. I had a client that could not cast, at all, but wanted to fish dries. I knew the bwo hatch was coming so I pulled into that eddie to re-rig.

The hatch just began right before our eyes. Those fish are all (as far as what we caught) 12 to 18 inch bows. My buddy from Pa was out, and I took him and another friend there the next day. Needless to say, the hatch came off again and they were so excited that they couldn't even tie a fly on for a few minutes.
Out of curiosity, are we going to post the pictures and instructions on the fly swap page again? There seem to be a lot of similar patterns this time and I think it would be helpful if it's not going to put anyone out. Which reminds me, I've got to put together some instructions for everyone.
My instructions come on the back of a whiting bugger pack.

It really is the best hackle for buggers that I've ever used, so I must recommend you use it to get the buggy look that my flies get (at least I think they look pretty buggy).

Here's how they say to tie em.

Tie in a length of copper wire, chenille, and marabou at the bend of the hook.

Wrap the thread to the eye

Wrap the body with chenille, and tie off at the eye.

tie in a hackle (at the eye) by the stem, or at the fat end (if you had to trim the fatter area off) and palmer back to the bend.

Tie the tip of the hackle feather off with the wire.

Wrap the wire forward in the opposite direction of the hackle winding.

Tie the wire off at the eye of the hook.

half hitch/whip.