Will gas prices stop you?

I totally understand if you are going through a rough patch or are retired on a fixed income….but i can’t see an extra 30-50 dollars making a difference in taking a fishing trip a couple times a month. Pack some pb and j sandwiches and granola bars instead of stopping for meals. Cancel nexflix until next winter. Get another year out of your flyline. Quit smoking. Look at your other habits and make cuts.
Rental car prices are ridiculous right now. Was going to cost me $1200 for a car in WY this year. I used Turo, which is like Airbnb for cars, instead and paid $650.
I considered that but the vehicle wouldn't be delivered to the airport. I would need to get a taxi to pick it up and return it. To me that was one more issue I didn't want to deal with.
No, F Putin, Biden, and the whole lot of them. If I curtail my trips then they win....and that's not happening. What will happen though is I'll silently flip them all off while filling up.
Nope. Not even a concern. It amazes me how the taxman can pick your pocket for 50% of your earnings yet it’s an extra 20 bucks for a tank of gas that makes people sharpen the pitchfork
If it was only a matter of $20 per tank of gas I wouldn't have even started this thread...
Well today it cost me an extra $41 per tankful compared to Jan 2021. Multiply that thru for 4 trips/month x 5 months and that's an extra $820 for this fishing season. With Biden's announcement today we can be assured that tomorrow that number will be higher, and by next month most likely even higher. Not saying I won't go but will be more selective about when, where, and for how long.
Maybe I could find a like minded fly fisher to car pool and split the shuttles with me?
Don't forget the number some of us are throwing around are ABOVE what it cost last year so the TOTAL dollars are significantly higher. Just depends on how much you value catchin' a fish.
Much of my concerns are based on the dismal state of the stock market and my portfolio in particular. Pretty much all my stellar 2021 gains have vanished. I prefer to never spend principle.
Nope. I can't wait for all the stream solitude this Spring!!
Gas was under $3 most of last year, the price increase in gas before ukraine was getting ridiculous, and its up atleast .50 in my neck of the woods since Ukraine invasion began. It is affecting the price of all goods and that will only get worse.

I do not think it will affect how much i fish, but it certainly will affect where and how far I am willing to drive
With gas at $4+ per gallon, and it will go higher if we stop importing Russian gas/oil, will the cost stop you from traveling to some of your streams?
Well, I'm self employed in the construction trades and for several months now I've been dropping between $250.00 to $300.00 in fuel in my truck a week. I would imagine that number will now jump to 300.00 to 350.00 or better a week. We'll still set sail for camp in Huntingdon as per usual. The only thing that will change is the length of time we stay. The 3 day weekend will now go 4 or 5 days when I can schedule the time and I won't run the Tpk any more we'll just plan on leaving at a time when the beltway out around Harrisburg is running light with traffic. Look'n forward to the Grannom hatch and big browns on the LJ.
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No. After the covid restrictions that have happened over the years, I need to fish more. It's spring and I'm ready to get back out. I likely complain and just switch to cheaper bourbon.
Cheaper bourbon...... Blasphemy! LOL
Since the majority of my fishing is within 15 minutes of my home, it price of gas will not affect me. I make a half dozen trips in the Fall to the Salmon River for salmon and steelhead but I'll go there regardless.
How big is your gas tank?
I think 22 gallons. Gas has been what 3.30 a gallon? I don’t really keep track of it. I do know it was 2.34 a gallon on a particular date a little over a year ago. i do know it has been going up steadily ever since that particular date. Now it’s shot up a dollar so I guess it’s gonna cost me an extra 22 dollars. I do realize every day that number goes up so let’s just say it costs me an extra hundred dollars for a tank of gas I’m still not limiting my fishing time. I do know that every week thousands of dollars are taken from me and that’s what has me limiting the things I do or don’t do. It always has and will continue to do so for Me and a great many others.
I think 22 gallons. Gas has been what 3.30 a gallon? I don’t really keep track of it. I do know it was 2.34 a gallon on a particular date a little over a year ago. i do know it has been going up steadily ever since that particular date. Now it’s shot up a dollar so I guess it’s gonna cost me an extra 22 dollars. I do realize every day that number goes up so let’s just say it costs me an extra hundred dollars for a tank of gas I’m still not limiting my fishing time. I do know that every week thousands of dollars are taken from me and that’s what has me limiting the things I do or don’t do. It always has and will continue to do so for Me and a great many others.
I agree with you and I think your 20 buck a fill estimate was pretty accurate.
I do know that every week thousands of dollars are taken from me and that’s what has me limiting the things I do or don’t do. It always has and will continue to do so for Me and a great many others.
Ok - makes sense then - paying thousands of dollars per week in taxes, etc puts things in perspective and I can understand that at that level an extra few hundred bucks in gas costs is probably not a limiting factor.
Unless it gets crazy, like 10 bucks a gallon, it won't affect me much. My little truck gets 30mpg, and my motorcycle gets around 60mpg. I will simply ride the bike more!