Will gas prices stop you?



Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
Montgomery County, Pa
With gas at $4+ per gallon, and it will go higher if we stop importing Russian gas/oil, will the cost stop you from traveling to some of your streams?
Probably. Today I chose to fish a stream that's a 45 minute drive away when I had originally planned on driving to one an hour and a half away, based solely on the price of gas.
Yes - an average trip to central PA uses a minimum of 12 gallons of gas for me - so $50 at least. Will spend the early season fishing for stocked fish locally, may hit a couple big name streams for the bigger hatches, then spend time with local warm water stuff the remainder of the summer. I found some incredible bug life on some local lakes - super dry fly fishing.
Thankfully I found pickleball last year and enjoy it as much as fishing - less expensive, better exercise, and only 5 miles from home.
Probably not. Fishing is the only thing I do so I am not going to stop because of the high gas prices. I may give up some other road trips but not fishing trips.
In the past, I'd do a suicide run which means leaving by 4am, drive 3+ hours, float till dark and drive home. That trip will now cost $80 in gas, $20 meal, $40 shuttle and $50 gas for return drive. $200 per day will have me fishing to bluegills in a local farm pond. Yes, it will impact my fishing plans.
Not that much. I'm fortunate to be close to several creeks, at least one decent lake that have trout, plus the usual chubs, panfish & some bass.
While it might not stop me, it will make me rethink my trips for maximum cost-effectiveness. Cheap lodging for an additional day or two may offset the gas price pain.
Yes, absolutely my long distance trips to my cabin will be reduced. Round trips will be $85 in gas. I typically go up every week and if alone have to pay for the shuttle myself. Two shuttles is $60. I few odds and ends for maybe one meal out and I'm up to $200. I'm considering staying five days instead of three and only going up twice a month.

On the off weeks I'll be on the Susky chasing smallmouth in the bass boat.

My rental car for my Montana trip set me back $1150.
I had some big spring plans to get out to Penns and the Savage. Those are probably on hold for the time being. I don’t get paid in the summer, so I have to worry about saving money for that.
I'm with nymph-wristed. This is my therapy and happy place.
As an old retired guy, will definitely cut down on my trips.
Lucky for me I can catch my pets 15 minutes from my house, so that's a no
No, its why I choose to fish a <$200 rod and a 50 dollar reel. I have a smallish SUV that gets 25 mph. Pack my lunch. Got rid of the hour commute and found a job 4 miles from home years ago. I spend way more on my grown kids. Choices. Listened to two guys who each went out and bought $50K Dodge pickups complaining about the price of gas the other day. Neither has a speck of dirt on them. No one is dropping bombs on my neighborhood so I'm good.
Like it or not, we need to get to wherever we need to, Dr. appts. grocery shopping etc. Can't get to them without driving, like it or not, we will pony up at the pumps. Hell, some of you drive miles to the gym to walk a mile on a treadmill!
Yes, absolutely my long distance trips to my cabin will be reduced. Round trips will be $85 in gas. I typically go up every week and if alone have to pay for the shuttle myself. Two shuttles is $60. I few odds and ends for maybe one meal out and I'm up to $200. I'm considering staying five days instead of three and only going up twice a month.

On the off weeks I'll be on the Susky chasing smallmouth in the bass boat.

My rental car for my Montana trip set me back $1150.
Rental car prices are ridiculous right now. Was going to cost me $1200 for a car in WY this year. I used Turo, which is like Airbnb for cars, instead and paid $650.
Nope. Not even a concern. It amazes me how the taxman can pick your pocket for 50% of your earnings yet it’s an extra 20 bucks for a tank of gas that makes people sharpen the pitchfork