Who wants to swap some flies?

Here is a size 14. Is everyone ok with this parachute sulphur? Does anybody want any changes or a different size?


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drumat26 wrote:
Here is a size 14. Is everyone ok with this parachute sulphur? Does anybody want any changes or a different size?

That looks great!
fisherboy3 wrote:
So how many flies should we tie now?

I believe we have 12 tiers, so 11 flies would be the minimum. Any extras are usually optional and go to the host/mods.

Pabrookie, are we still looking at a 3/7 due date?
This is my pattern. A go to for me when fishing on streams with quill gordons and hendricksons. In the fall, it will work for Iso's as well. The body lays in the film and the wing sits on top. Its made of the following:
Body: Pheasant Tail
Wing: Comparadun Hair
Underwing: Trout Hunter CDC
Shuck: Dark Brown Antron.


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dc410 wrote:

That's a really good looking pattern.

^^ ditto nice tie. Looks like a variation of a Matt Grobert pattern.

Drumat nice parachute.


1. eunanhendron- TBD
2. J55tyger88- March brown sparkle dun
3. Gencon- Sulphur spinner
4. fisherboy3- Hendrickson wonderbug
5. dc410- CDC and Elk
6. drumat26- TBD
7. jay348- TBD
8. pmelle- Caribou caddis
9. Volksnurse- deer hair ant
10. lazlo- biot body CDC/BWO
11. Harley- TBD
12. jeremymcon- Poly wing caddis
13. Skybay- Black caddis
14. LouM- TBD

Alright guys I didn't hear any opposition so I added LouM. This means since there are 14 tyers plus myself you will tie 14 flies instead of the original dozen. I am going to officially close the swap now to avoid too many tyers and confusion.

As for the due date, I am going to make it March 11th just because that is a Friday and an easy day to have the deadline. Please have flies in the mail by this day with a toe tag and return postage.

Thanks everyone for participating! I can't wait to see everyone's ties!!
Thanks for the update, pabrookie94. I was waiting for the official word. Here is my little herd of CDC & Elks, ready to roll! Thanks for putting together this swap. There are a lot of really great patterns being offered up.



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Awesome! I will send everyone my address sometime this weekend after I finish my grad school apps 🙂 !
About halfway done with my flies! Size 14 parachute sulphurs were rolling off the vise last night


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So where are we sending the flies to? Im about to ship off to work for a month and need to get them out asap.
I should be ready to mail this week. Even if we add one or two more people...
Alright I have sent everyone my address! All you need to do is reply to me with your address just so I have it.

Sorry anyone else but I closed the swap. There is only about 11 days left and I don't want anyone who is shipping or shipping soon to be messed up.

When shipping just make sure you put a toe tag on each fly (small piece of paper with your name on it) and send return postage and this swap will run real smooth. Thanks a ton guys! Post some pics if you want to, give us a background on the pattern, etc.

Cheers and Tight Lines :-D
My flies are going out today! Parachute sulphurs are on their way!