Minnow traps

I trap minnows year round. You might just need to go down stream. Could be a little bit too cold of water. Try bridges, confluence and culvert holes. I like bread and a couple pieces of dog food and an opened can of tuna. The full buffet 😉. Make sure you use a silver minnow trap. (Which it looks like you have.) The black ones scare them. The silver outcatch the black ones 46:1. I’ve done quite a bit of research and experimenting over about 30 years.

Oddly enough, I don’t really ever fish with minnows. I just like catching them. I also use them to feed my pet Toebiter.(Giant water bug) Only pet I’ve had for probably 5 years and my second Toebiter in a row as a pet.

Here is my Toebiter chomping down on a fat Black nose dace. He has eaten fish as big as a 12” golden shiner. He shoots them with a paralyzing agent and then sucks them dry like a vampire. That is his snorkel reaching up to the water’s surface.
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That's pretty amazing! I had never heard of them before.
What is this in reference to?

Were people posting on here that wild trout won't eat bread?
I was wondering the same thing. It honestly reeks of pot stirring to me. Why wouldn't trout eat things that can be digested?🙄 And why would ST fanatics freak out over that pic?

I've even seen wild brook trout try to eat tiny sticks I've thrown in the water.
They are fish. Fish eat and are pretty gluttonous. Surprise! They eat things.

Imagine the horror when we find out wolves, that are more sophisticated in the mind than fish, would eat a Big Mac 😱

Your resident Brook Trout fanatic
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