What Are You Tying Today?

trying the new FTD bait fish hair (like deer hair stiff) and baitfish flash hair. Really nice material easy to use. these are on 4/0 hooks 6" long. chartreuse on hasn't been trim yet


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Ash Fox 1080.JPG

Ash Fox

Tip - Silver tinsel
Tail - Dun hackle
Body - Rabbits fur
Hackle - Brown hackle

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth
California Coachman 1080.JPG

California Coachman

Tip - Red floss
Tail - Scarlet
Body - Peacock herl
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Red over white duck or goose quill segnents

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth
Cahill 1080.JPG


Tip - Gold tinsel
Tail - Brown mallard
Body - Rabbits fur
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Lemon wood duck

Author's Note

Also made brown mallard wing, gray mallard tail.

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictiomary - J E Willmarth
Hare's Ear Diawl Bach 1080.JPG

Hare's Ear Diawl Bach

Tail - Coque De Leon Fibers
Rib - Krinkle Mirror Flash or Mirage Opal
Body - Hare's Ear Dubbing
Beard - Coque De Leon Fibers

Phil Rowley Video

Lightning Bug 1080.JPG

Lightning Bug

Tip - Orange floss
Ribbing - Brown floss
Body - Black floss
Hackle - Gray
Wing - Slate duck or goose quill segments

Author's Note

Also made gray dubbing body, yellow floss tag, rib gold, gray hackle down body, furnace hackle at shoulder, brown turkey wing.

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth
Caddis 1080.JPG


Tip - Brown floss
Body - Peacock herl
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Light slate duck or goose quill segments

Authoe's Note

Also made green floss body, yellow hackle down body, slate wings.
Also made olive dubbing body, picked out at shoulder, brown mallard tail.

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth