What Are You Tying Today?

trying the new FTD bait fish hair (like deer hair stiff) and baitfish flash hair. Really nice material easy to use. these are on 4/0 hooks 6" long. chartreuse on hasn't been trim yet


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Ash Fox 1080.JPG

Ash Fox

Tip - Silver tinsel
Tail - Dun hackle
Body - Rabbits fur
Hackle - Brown hackle

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth
California Coachman 1080.JPG

California Coachman

Tip - Red floss
Tail - Scarlet
Body - Peacock herl
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Red over white duck or goose quill segnents

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth
Cahill 1080.JPG


Tip - Gold tinsel
Tail - Brown mallard
Body - Rabbits fur
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Lemon wood duck

Author's Note

Also made brown mallard wing, gray mallard tail.

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictiomary - J E Willmarth