What Are You Tying Today?


Khaki Queen

Tail - Lemon wood duck
Body - Stripped peacock quill
Hackle - Badger hackle
Wing - Slate duck or goose quill segments over this lemon wood duck

Fly2000 Database
Gosh, Norm, I never saw so many perfect body wraps from a stripped peacock quill on one fly. Tell us the truth, is that about 3 perfectly matched quills to produce that long quill body, or are you secretly raising genetically bred peacocks to compete with Whiting’s saddle hackles? 😃
Wouldn’t you know that a guy from Hershey would tie such a sweet looking piece of candy.

And even that vise looks pretty sweet.
Thanks! I hope the fish think they’re candy too. My daughter picked the color of my vise and I try to involve her in choosing some of the materials I tie with to get her interested. She helped me paint the beads for these with pink nail polish.
Can you describe the method used to create the thorax? Could you cut the yarn into short pieces and use dubbing loop?

Anyhow, you have my attention with the "I have caught more fish on this fly" statement.
That is Byron Haugh’s fly, and statement (not mine) that I posted here awhile back. I know he is a super fly tyer, and an expert fisherman, and it’s my understanding that he cuts pieces of the yarn and then picks the Dazzleaire yarn apart by hand and (perhaps) blends it in a coffee grinder to thoroughly mix it.

I’ve never used Dazzleaire yarn, but I’ve used Sparkle Yarn, which Gary LaFortaine used annd recommended, which is basically the same Antron blended yarn. I don’t think that only cutting either of these yarns and putting them in a dubbing loop would work, because you’d never be able to get all of the filaments separated to the extent that’s needed to be effective. You want it to be loose so the it catches air bubbles and I don’t think that it will get that way by simply cutting it in small pieces.
Gosh, Norm, I never saw so many perfect body wraps from a stripped peacock quill on one fly. Tell us the truth, is that about 3 perfectly matched quills to produce that long quill body, or are you secretly raising genetically bred peacocks to compete with Whiting’s saddle hackles? 😃

it was 1 longer quill. honest 😁👍


Tag - Oval silver tinsel
Tail - Brown speckled turkey tail quill
Body - ½ light blue floss, ½ black wool
Rib - Oval silver tinsel
Throat - Black hackle
Wing - Speckled turkey tail quill segments

Fly2000 Database
Can you describe the method used to create the thorax? Could you cut the yarn into short pieces and use dubbing loop?

Anyhow, you have my attention with the "I have caught more fish on this fly" statement.

Here’s a link to where Byron describes how he ties and fishes that fly. That website is in transition, so hopefully the link will work for awhile.

If you take notice you’ll see that the picture of his fly there looks pink rather than tan like the picture of his fly that I had posted here earlier. At one point in time I thought he said that pink was his favorite color for that fly, but in that link that I provided he says peach. ??
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Winged Pheasant Tail

Ribbing - Gold wire
Body - Pheasant tail
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Woodcock quill segments (hen pheasant will work as well)

Fly2000 Database