Minnow traps

I trap minnows year round. You might just need to go down stream. Could be a little bit too cold of water. Try bridges, confluence and culvert holes. I like bread and a couple pieces of dog food and an opened can of tuna. The full buffet 😉. Make sure you use a silver minnow trap. (Which it looks like you have.) The black ones scare them. The silver outcatch the black ones 46:1. I’ve done quite a bit of research and experimenting over about 30 years.

Oddly enough, I don’t really ever fish with minnows. I just like catching them. I also use them to feed my pet Toebiter.(Giant water bug) Only pet I’ve had for probably 5 years and my second Toebiter in a row as a pet.

Here is my Toebiter chomping down on a fat Black nose dace. He has eaten fish as big as a 12” golden shiner. He shoots them with a paralyzing agent and then sucks them dry like a vampire. That is his snorkel reaching up to the water’s surface.
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That's pretty amazing! I had never heard of them before.