Cicada Pattern


Active member
Jan 28, 2007
Can anyone point me to a recipe for a cicada? See my post on the General Board: The Cidas are Coming. Thanks in advance.
I used a pattern ftom George Daniel and a pattern from Paul Weamers book Pocket Guide for New York Hatches which is a Greg Hoover pattern. I dont recall where I saw Daniel's pattern. They both are similar and seem to work. The few times I used cicadas when they were around the fish went on a feeding spree. I doubt they were selective to pattern.
You can tie a cicada pattern that's basically like a Letort Cricket but tied entirely with deer hair.

The body is spun and clipped deer hair. I use mostly black deer hair, with a small amount of the wings tied with orange-brown deer hair.

It floats very well and is durable.
I recommend picking up a copy of Cicada Madness by Dave Zielinski. It has around 60 cicada patterns in it. Good info all around on fishing with cicadas. Very informative book. The pattern he fishes and ties the most is the 17 Year Itch Cicada Pattern. His book contains a step by step with pictures. i can't find a tying video online.

You can hear Tom Rosenbaur interview Dave on a recent Orvis Podcast here.