Who wants to swap some flies?

Deer hair ant anyone? This'll be my first real tying since shoulder surgery, so be nice. 🙂
One can never have enough sulphurs.

I got out of the gate quick on this one. I was tying last night during the Flyers depressing loss and have my swap flies almost done. Feeling like a smart swapper choosing such an easy pattern to tie. These are very traditionally tied CDC & Elks tied on size 14 hooks with dun CDC and Natural Elk hair for the wing. I'll probably tie a few extra while I'm at it to pad my own box for the upcoming season. Hope you guys like them.



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1. eunanhendron- TBD
2. J55tyger88- March brown sparkle dun
3. Gencon- Sulphur spinner
4. fisherboy3- Hendrickson wonderbug
5. dc410- CDC and Elk
6. drumat26- TBD
7. jay348- TBD
8. pmelle- Caribou caddis
9. Volksnurse- deer hair ant

Boy am I glad to see this turning out! Looks to be some great patterns on the way! Only need 3 more and then we'll all tie an even dozen. Yes I know I put 11 in the first post I forgot about myself!
Just a little suggestion after participating in two of these tying swaps and learning the hard way. Send your flies in a container with the appropriate shipping and maybe a return stamp or packaging shipping label. These dry flies will be rather fragile and it would a shame to see them get squashed in an envelope after all the hard work everyone puts in to tying them. I imagine the usps could care less about the delicacy of a parachute size 16 sulphur in an envelope haha. Just food for thought. Thanks for putting another one of these together pabrookie, after the arctic blast we will be receiving this weekend, I'm sure we will all be dreaming of warm maydays and rising trout, or as gencon describes it, "the creek was just boiling with fish!"
I have shipped flies before I would suggest putting them in a medicine vial and then in a little box. Worked well when I did it that way.
Unfortunately not, I don't see myself tying that much in the coming weeks with school really starting to crank up, along with work and research. Maybe next time. I'm sure you'll get 12 volunteers, if not I'll consider.
My fly will be tc biot body CDC/BWO
Sign me up as well. Not sure what pattern yet.

Can we tie an emerger pattern, or does it strictly have to be a dun or spinner?

1. eunanhendron- TBD
2. J55tyger88- March brown sparkle dun
3. Gencon- Sulphur spinner
4. fisherboy3- Hendrickson wonderbug
5. dc410- CDC and Elk
6. drumat26- TBD
7. jay348- TBD
8. pmelle- Caribou caddis
9. Volksnurse- deer hair ant
10. lazlo- biot body CDC/BWO
11. Harley- TBD

Harley about the emerger pattern, I would prefer a dry just to keep it the same across the board. However, if you have an emerger that sits right in the top film that is fine! Up to you.

Also, we only need one more! Very excited for how this swap is turning out!
Ok it seems like everyone wants sulphurs so here are a few options and you guys tell me what you want.

Option 1 - extended body, I have other wing colors.
Option 2 - standard parachute with white or gray wing post
Option 2 - standard parachute with black and yellow hackle

Also please ignore the Adams in the last picture, this was the only good picture I had of this one


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I'll take a number 3with fries
I have great time with "Black Caddis" (the killer)
Black Caddis
laszlo wrote:
I'll take a number 3with fries


I'll go with an iso comparadun. I know there's a name for it but I'm blanking...paging becker...
Well mines kind of an emerger..with a big deer hair wing so you can see it.
Here's a picture. It has an amazing profile from the bottom and floats like a cork. Would you guys like it in 14, 16, or 18? What size would best match everyone's needs?


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I'm in, if you'll have me! I love fishing a poly wing caddis, both by itself and with a dropper, so I think I'll tie that. Easily my favorite dry fly to fish when I don't know what fish are eating.

Man... I haven't opened my dry fly box in forever! Haven't been on the forum in a while either. Been busy, I guess.