What's your tying setup look like?

here`s my mess


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I just started tying this past month but this was a quick little table I threw together with some scrap lumber laying around the basement. I am a carpenter(yes, the name hammerhead has more meaning than me running my mouth and pissing people off) so I have knowledge in that area but am lacking in complex ideas for tying tables. I already have about 20 more ideas from looking at all your pictures.


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At least most of the time :-D
I feel pretty deprived after reading this thread... seems like everyone gets entire rooms for tying. Until my house is built I'm stuck with what I've always done, which is carrrying around all my gear in a duffle bag full of storage bins and an old tackle box waiting for an opening on a table somewhere in my appartment.
Heres mine. Finished it about a year and a half ago. spend a ton of time in here...


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Do you just cut from the mounts or do you have additional fur and feather supplies?
Nothing special here, it's a crammed little space the basement.


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When we moved into our new house I built a room in the basement just for my hobbies. This is a view of the tying area.

Good luck, Tony


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a little bit of a mess


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dkile wrote:
Man you guys have some great setups. Gfen and Frederick you places look really clean. You guys showing off or is it that way all the time?

That's what he wrote in regards to this picture:

A far more accurate representation might be:

Even that's cleaner than it was yesterday.

Mines a sh*t hole my stuff is everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Same here...try to keep it organized, but I just end up f***in' it up again ten minutes later.
OK, for a tier of about 13 years, mine is the crappiest. Mine is a 14" X 5" piece of plywood C-clamped to a window sill with a $150 vice clamped to it. I own 2 Orivs Helios fly rods, yet still I have this piece of scrap wood as my tying platform. It doesn't even qualify to be called a bench.
LOL...........you guys for the most part are more serious about this than i thought. I LOVE IT. One of the biggest things that helped in fly tying was to have a "space" where i could leave everything set up and just sit down and tie when the urge hit , makes all the difference in the world. NICE SET UPS FOLKS.
The wife allowed me to have a small dry bar in our kitchen to tie flies. If you see from the first picture, I had to put all the containers and my supplies away in the cabinets above the counter tops, so it just looked like a counter top when i was not using it.

She should have know better, as you can see in the second picture. There is no more hiding my set up. Sorry sweety. :)


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I dunno, still not complete. No golden pheasant tails.
Now, was it tails, tippets, or crests you wanted?
Tails, now I have to get to freakin class again. Done with my 10 minutes of freedom.
Ahem - There's a reason I gave you mothballs, and a suitable container to store your natural materials in.

Bugs. It looks all purty with the stuff hung on pegs, and a lot of stuff is suitable for that, but you really should be storing your natural materials in a container with mothballs. When you lose stuff due to an infestation of critters, you'll know why. Those necks and capes won't be cheap to replace....

Don't think for a minute those plastic bags will stop them - they won't. It only takes a small hole, or an improperly zipped top for disaster to strike.

At the very least, toss a mothball in each bag you store your hackle in. Can you still smell the mothballs? If you can, there's an air leak, and if it's enough for you to smell the mothballs, it's big enough to allow the tiny little critters in that can destroy your materials.

Nag, nag, nag...
not the best pics,...this is post clean up, it looks terrible now. its a wooden work bench left over from previous owner in my basement..nevermind that PIELS pounder!

