What's your tying setup look like?

Silestone would look like granite to an untrained eye. It is a man made product though, that is made with quartz chips.
Uh, Sparky - that was a lame attempt at humor. Granite = granted.

To me, its a flat rock of some kind. I'm not into that stuff - a kitchen counter is just a place to put the pizza around here. :lol:
Your Old man humor confuses me :)
LRSABecker wrote:
Your Old man humor confuses me :)

You're going to become a teacher...?


We don't need you outclassed by your pupils, or are you going to teach math?
Really, what does any of this have to do with teaching? You make things way to serious some time doucher.
LRSABecker wrote:
Really, what does any of this have to do with teaching? You make things way to serious some time doucher.

Shh, have a quiet cup of tea, Adm. Stockdale.

edited postscript: its "too serious," not "to serious."
Lol, mine is a fold out table with a bunch of walmart plastic cabinets...when we move we are getting a designated sportsman room

HA! me too, cant wait!!
heres mine after a complete overhaul of materials and tying setup
heres my shop
well as you can plainly see that didnt work for me I checked the file size of the photos and they are around 3500 kb per pic. I tried posting two pics but neither came up. Try again later with more information.
flytyingfred wrote:
I checked the file size of the photos and they are around 3500 kb per pic.

Keep the pics under 1000kb, Fred, and it'll work...
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Poor Sparky.... :lol:

He's gonna get indigant about old man humour if this keeps up...

Flytyingfred...If you want, you can host photos as massive as you want to on some sites, then link them over. It'll be annoying to browsers to be smashed over the head with megafiles, but its another, alternate, method of it.
going to try again for the umpteenth time to post some pics hope it works.


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well that only took about a week and perhaps 100 pics uploaded and deleted and folded and unfolded. Remember what that bunny said in Bambi if you dont have anything nice to say dont say nothing at all.
I took these a while back with this thread in mind... sorry for the lateness.



You are an evil human being...lol Outstanding benches
wetfly, nice table top, especially the SYF ;-)

peace-tony c.
Now that I have finally started tying flies my setup comes from what I find useful around the house. The "desk" is the changing table/dresser I used for my kids long ago so it has a special meaning. It converts from a pooper changer with a fold out table top to a desk top with enough room for the small amount of materials I have. It has 4 drawers below that just may become full of tying materials one day. It is a start and so far works well enough.


One of the first flies I tied


That fly caught this smallie yesterday


Then this one


Then a rainbow


And another (sorry for the blur)


That fly is officially retired now. I am off to a good start.

Me and my dad made this when I was about 15. At that point in time I didn't have too much tying stuff and it all fit in there. now....well lets not talk about that haha.

I think it is going to end up at the cabin with the "essentials" in it. It looks real nice though. The drawer handles are branches from a tree (i forget which) but they add a really cool look to it IMO.

Here's some pictures from a few years back in my old room before I got booted to the basement for college heh

What a mess
