Tying some little tan scuds. Confession.....there are a few patterns I actually prefer to tie on the cheap little eagle claw gold salmon egg hooks and this is one of them. (Mash the barbs.) I tie some egg patterns and occasionally some other stuff on these hooks as well. These are called a size 10, but they're really comparable to a common size 16 scud hook in size. I've always liked the little bit of flash with gold hooks, and I like cheap hooks for patterns that I use and abuse and tie by the dozens. Anyhow this is a very simple little scud pattern. Tiny piece of UV orange glo bug yarn tucked under the wire rib on the back for that little egg sack (or sometimes a virus) that the little scuds often get. I like a coarser natural hares ears dubbing with a lot of spikey guard hairs. This batch was not quite as buggy as I like. Time to buy more dubbing. Anyhow it's super simple, thread, dubbing, wire rib, little orange hot spot on the back, and UV resin. It'll catch fish all day. And I can crank one out in under two minutes. Forgive my photography skills, too. 😁