>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part V

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Colburn - Orange

Atlantic Salmon Fly

Walter Colburn Originator

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread - White under body, Black head
Tag - Oval silver tinsel
Tail - Orange floss
Rear body - Orange floss
Center joint - Black ostrich herl
Front body - Orange floss
Wing - Dyed orange squirrel tail
Collar - Orange hen hackle

Internet Website


Steelhead Fly Pattern

Tom Brayshaw Originator

Hook - Mustad 3399 or equivalent, size 4-6

Thread - Black

Tag - Flat silver tinsel

Tail - Colorette magnifique*

Body - Red and olive chenille wrapped together

Throat - Red and white hackle fibers, mixed

Wing - Polar bear

*Google couldn't translate "Colorette magnifique" so I used red hackle fibers like the photo in the book depicts.

Fly Patterns of British Columbia - James Lingren


Midge Fly Pattern

Hook - Mustad C068 or equivalent
Bead - Orange or orange pearl glass bead
Thread - Orange
Body - Orange krystal flash

Modern Midges - Rick Takahashi & Jerry Hubka

Green Hornet

Midge Pupa

Paul Freeman Originator

Hook - Mustad C068 or equivalent
Bead - Green glass seed bead
Thread - Green
Ribbing - Black wire
Body - Tying thread

Modern Midges - Rick Takahashi & Jerry Hubka

Colburn - Green

Atlantic Salmon Fly

Walter Colburn Originator

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread - White under body, Black head
Tag - Oval silver tinsel
Tail - Black over chartreuse bucktail
Rear body - Chartreuse floss
Center joint - Black ostrich herl
Front body - Chartreuse floss
Wing - Black over chartreuse bucktail
Collar - Yellow hen hackle

Internet Website
Caddis Pupa
Hook is size 18 3x long
Body is Pearl Core Braid Chartreuse coated with UV Resin
Head is Ostrich Hurl


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    caddispuppa (2).jpg
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Hendrickson Nymph

Hook: Orvis Emerger size 12
Tail: Mallard Flank dyed golden
Body: Blend of 60% Brown Possum, 20% Black UV Ice Dubbing, and 20% Purple UV Ice Dubbing then
spot of Golden Brown dubbing behind thorax (to imitate natural)
Rib: Brown Ultra Wire brassie size
Thorax: same as body
Wingcase: Thin Skin Golden Mottled coated w/ UV
Legs: Mallard Flank dyed golden

Hendo nymph 2.jpg

Hendo nymph 1.jpg

Keith Bush Goldbug

Hook - Straight eye streamer hook

Thread - White

Tail - Red hackle feather

Body - Rear half - Black ostrich herl; Front half - Flat gold tinsel

Wing - Red over yellow bucktail

Head - Green ostrich herl or painted green

Pennsylvania Angler - October 1940
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Some pan fish/bass/chain pickerel flies. These are ugly. They might have a name, but I don't know what it is.


Hook: TMC 5262, size 6

Thread: 3/0 tying thread/clear polyester thread

Tail: Zonker Strip,

Body: 3/0 tying thread built over Zonker strip, color to match or contrast with tail.

Thorax/collar over eyes: Ice or sparkle chenille

Eyes: Plastic beads on 200# mono tied on bottom of hook shank

Wing: Marabou color to match or contrast with tail

Head: 3/0 thread built up, finished with clear polyester thread.

Some buck tail jigs tied on 1/16 oz over the counter jigs. I'll use these as streamers, most likely with my 8 wgt. I'll have to see how they cast with my 6 wgt.




Hook - Mustad 3365A
Thread - Black
Tail - Red hackle fibers
Body - Embossed silver tinsel
Wing - Black over white bucktail
Cheeks - Jungle ****

Ukranian Sponge Spider

Hook - Mustad 94840
Thread - Yellow
Tail - Yellow rubber legs
Over body - Blue foam strip
Body - Hot yellow ice dubbing
Legs - Yellow rubber legs

Tulk Special

Atlantic Salmon Fly

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread - White under body; Black head
Tail - Yellow hackle fibers
Body - White, yellow, white and yellow uni yarn
Throat - Yellow hackle fibers
Wing - Deer hair

Pinterest Photo

Bastian's Floating Caddis Emerger

Don Bastian Originator

Hook - Mustad 3906, 94840, C068 or equivalent

Thread - Tan/wood duck

Shuck - White hi-vis

Ribbing - Pearl krystal flash

Abdomen - Olive dubbing

Overbody - Tan foam

Sight indicator - Orange poly yarn

Legs - Partridge

Head - Brown dubbing

#18 Sulfur Snowshoe Emerger

Doctor Mummy

Originator - Wilbur Beaty, 1930s

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent

Thread - Red

Tip - Flat gold tinsel

Tail - Golden pheasant tippet fibers

Butt - Peacock herl

Rib - Oval gold tinsel

Body - Black floss

Hackle - Orange hen

Underwing - Ringneck pheasant tail fibers

*Wing - Barred mallard flank feather

Cheeks - Jungle ****

Trout Country Flies - Bruce Staples

*The barred mallard flank feathers I have are extremely poor quality. I have 2 one gallon bags of teal feathers that I will never use up in my remaining yeas on Earth, so that is what I used.


Originator - Len Phillips

Wet fly for rainbow trout

Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 size 6-8

Thread - Black

Tail - A few fibers from a golden pheasant's tippet feather

Rib - Orange floss

Body - Green wool

Collar - A ring-necked pheasant rump feather

Wing - A few fibers from a golden pheasant's tippet feather

Fly Patterns of British Columbia - Arthur James Lingren


Captain Hooker

Midge Fly Pattern

Hook - Daiichi 1273, size 20

Thread - Black

Body - Opal mirage tinsel

Thorax - Sybai black spectra dubbing

South Platte Fly Shop
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