>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part V

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Partridge and Yellow


Yellow Partridge

Hook - Wet fly style

Thread - Yellow silk

Hackle - Hungarian partridge

I do not own silk threads. I just substituted yellow uni stretch.


Yorkshire Trout Flies by T. E. Pritt (1885) Note – The following book is the same text, only the title was changed.

No. 28. Yellow Partridge (Grey Gnat).
Hook i.
Wings. — Hackled with a light feather from the back of a Partridge.
Body. — Yellow silk.
A good killer almost any time during April.

North Country Flies by T.E. Pritt (1886) – Note: only the title was changed from Pritt’s Yorkshire Trout Flies published the previous year.

No. 28. Yellow Partridge (Grey Gnat).
Hook i.
Wings. — Hackled with a light feather from the back of a Partridge.
Body. — Yellow silk.
A good killer almost any time during April.

Brook and River Trouting by Harfield H. Edmonds and Norman N. Lee (1916)

No. 14.
Yellow Partridge.
PERLIDIAE and Diptera (Crane-fly).
Hook or 1.
Wings. — Hackled with a greyish feather barely tinged with brown, from a Partridge's back.
Body. — Yellow silk, No. 4.
Head. — Yellow silk.
May to middle of June.
Gorgeous! A perfect example of less is more.

Peccary Perdigon

Euro Style Nymph

Hook - Gamakatsu J20-B or equivalent

Bead - Slotted tungsten

Thread - Black

Tail - Coq de Leon feather fibers

Body - Peccary hair

Apply crazy glue to the hook shank prior to wrapping the peccary hair forward or overcoat with your favorite uv resin for durability.
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Peccary Emerger

Hook - Mustad C068
Thread - Black
Tail - White poly/antron yarn
Abdomen - Peccary hair
Wing - White poly/antron yarn
Thorax - Peacock herl

Apply crazy glue to the hook shank prior to wrapping the peccary hair forward or overcoat with your favorite uv resin for durability. Also apply crazy glue to the hook shank prior to wrapping the peacock herl thorax forward.

Peccary Shuttlecock Buzzer

Hook - Mustad C068 or equivalent

Thread - Black

Abdomen - Peccary hair

Wing case and Wing - Dun CDC feathers

Thorax - Peacock herl

Apply crazy glue to the hook shank prior to wrapping the peccary hair forward or overcoat with your favorite uv resin for durability. Also apply crazy glue to the hook shank prior to wrapping the peacock herl thorax forward.
Thanks wbranch.

I'm not sure.
I dump all my hooks into plastic containers and do not write down the brand or size. I's a barbless hook, roughly #14, with a longish, lightly curved shank and beaked point. I am a fan of curved shank hooks for nymphs as they are better for getting the hook-upward drift that I prefer.

Peccary And Hare's Ear

Nymph Fly Pattern

Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent

Thread - Black

Tail - Hare's mask

Body - Peccary hair

Wing case - Turkey tail fibers

Thorax - Hare's ear dubbing

Apply crazy glue to the hook shank prior to wrapping the peccary hair forward or coat the body with uv resin for durability

Peccary And Hare's Ear

Nymph Fly Pattern

Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent

Thread - Black

Tail - Hare's mask

Body - Peccary hair

Wing case - Turkey tail fibers

Thorax - Hare's ear dubbing

Apply crazy glue to the hook shank prior to wrapping the peccary hair forward or coat the body with uv resin for durability

Peccary Stimulator

Hook - TFS 2505 or equivalent

Thread - Brown

Tail - Elk or deer hair

Body - Peccary hair

Wing - Elk or deer hair

Hackle - Brown

Thorax - Light orange dubbing

Apply crazy glue to the hook shank prior to wrapping the peccary hair forward or coat the body with uv resin for durability

CDC Green Drake Emerger

Shane Stalcup Originator

Hook - TFS 2302 or equivalent

Thread - Olive

Tail - Brown partridge feather fibers

Ribbing - Copper wire

Abdomen - Olive turkey biot

Thorax - Chartreuse dubbing

Under wing - Dun CDC feathers

Over wing - Dun z-lon

aren't you glad it's not peccary! 😁

Kimball's Diptera Emerger

Mike Kimball Originator

Hook - Mustad C49S or equivalent. Straight shank hook optional
Thread - Black
Shuck - Teak flank feather fibers
Wing case - White poly yarn
Thorax - Black beaver dubbing

Tying Emergers - Schollmeyer & Leeson
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Bullethead Midge Emerger

Hook- Mustad C068 or equivalent

Thread - Brown

Shuck - White poly yarn

Body - Olive larva lace or d-rib, v-rib etc.

Wing/head - Deer hair

Thorax - Olive dubbing

Tying Emergers - Schollmeyer & Leeson

Poor Fred

Stonefly Nymph

Hook - Mustad 9671 or equivalent

Bead - Gold tungsten

Weight - .015 lead/lead free wire

Thread - Wood duck

Tail - Lemon wood duck fibers

Ribbing - Gold wire

Abdomen - Golden stone buggy nymph dubbing

Wing case -Turkey tail fibers

Thorax - Dark brown buggy nymph dubbing

Legs - Lemon wood duck fibers

Head - Golden brown ice dubbing

Save your expensive lemon wood duck feathers for other flies and use imitation wood duck for nymph type patterns

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