>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part V

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CDC Grannoms and Elk hair caddis.
Dave McPhail video for the grannom and Charlie Craven vid helped with EHC
Green Gem

Atlantic Salmon

Daryl Burry Creation

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread - Red
Tag - Flat silver tinsel and red floss
Rib - Oval silver tinsel
Body - Bright green seal type dubbing
Wing - Gray squirrel tail
Collar - Bright green hackle

Last Resort

Hook - Mustad 3906, 94840 or equivalent
Weight - 0.015 diameter lead/lead free wire
Thread - Black
Ribbing - Blue Mylar, flash or wire
Body - Peacock herl
Hackle - Partridge or grouse

Try different colors of tinsel for the ribbing and different colors of peacock herl for the body

Coat the hook shank with crazy glue prior to wrapping the peacock herl
Youtube Video

Isonychia/Slate Drake Nymph

Don Bastian Version

Hook - Mustad 9671 or equivalent
Thread - Black or brown
Tail - Natural ostrich herl
Median Stripe - White uni stretch
Ribbing - Brown uni stretch
Over back - Black scud back 1/8”
Abdomen - Dark brown dubbing
Gills - Abdominal dubbing picked out and trimmed parallel to body.
Wing case - Black scud back 1/8”
Thorax - Dark brown dubbing
Legs - Natural mottled hen back, short and sparse

Chili Pepper

Tony Spezio Pattern

Hook – Mustad 9671, 9672, size 6-8

Thread - Fluorescent orange

Bead – Copper brass or tungsten

Weight – Lead/lead free wire

Tail – Burnt orange/orange marabou

Tail Flash - Copper krystal flash

Body – Copper/root beer tinsel chenille

Rib - Brown or ginger saddle hackle
Some aquatic worms, midge pupa, winter caddis


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Cerf Noir - Black Deer

Atlantic Salmon

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent

Thread - Black

Tag - Oval gold tinsel

Tail - Red yarn

Ribbing - Oval gold tinsel

Body - Peacock herl

Wing - Deer hair

Collar - Grizzly hen hackle

Created by Marc LeBlanc
Back to the basics...breaking out the Pheasant.
I wish more flies required using Fluorescent Fire Orange thread...


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you can add orange thread to just about any fly

General Store

Caddis Emerger

Hook – Mustad 94840 or equivalent

Thread - Red

Bead – Gold brass or tungsten

Tail - Ultra chenille, color of choice

Body - Fuzzy dubbing, color of choice

Thorax - Peacock herl

Hackle – Partridge, grouse etc

Wings - White goose biots

From an Internet Website

Fox Pupa

Originated by Tim Fox

Hook - TMC 2312, 2302 or equivalent, size 12-14-16.

Thread - Color to match body

Ribbing – Gold wire

Body – Flat tinsel

Over body - Vernille, ultra-chenille in olive, tan, orange, black etc

Legs – Partridge, grouse, brahma hen fibers

Thorax/head - Ostrich herl.

Antennae - Wood duck, mallard flank, teal etc
Time to end the streak of great looking flies and post some ugly ones. Floating woolly buggers. Targets, bass, chain pickerel and pike.
Group shots


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Mainville Special

Atlantic Salmon

Hook - Mustad 79580

Thread - Black

Tail - Grizzly hackle fibers

Ribbing - Silver tinsel

Body - Black chenille or wool

Wing - White bucktail

Collar - Grizzly hackle

Fly Patterns of Canada - Paul Marriner
You guys are good at this!

Here's my first attempt at an extended body mayfly. Was going for Eastern Green Drake. I should've probably made the thorax a bit thicker. Also, if anyone has suggestions on how to give the extended body more of a taper, let me know!


Hook: 2/0 saltwater
Flash: Mirage flashabou
Tail: White hackle feathers
Body: White, pink, and olive bucktail
Eyes: Fish Skull Living Eyes in ice color
Head coated with Solarez UV resin medium thickness

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