>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part V

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Olives an Sulphurs

Partridge and Yellow


Yellow Partridge

Hook - Wet fly style

Thread - Yellow silk

Hackle - Hungarian partridge

I do not own silk threads. I just substituted yellow uni stretch.


Yorkshire Trout Flies by T. E. Pritt (1885) Note – The following book is the same text, only the title was changed.

No. 28. Yellow Partridge (Grey Gnat).
Hook i.
Wings. — Hackled with a light feather from the back of a Partridge.
Body. — Yellow silk.
A good killer almost any time during April.

North Country Flies by T.E. Pritt (1886) – Note: only the title was changed from Pritt’s Yorkshire Trout Flies published the previous year.

No. 28. Yellow Partridge (Grey Gnat).
Hook i.
Wings. — Hackled with a light feather from the back of a Partridge.
Body. — Yellow silk.
A good killer almost any time during April.

Brook and River Trouting by Harfield H. Edmonds and Norman N. Lee (1916)

No. 14.
Yellow Partridge.
PERLIDIAE and Diptera (Crane-fly).
Hook or 1.
Wings. — Hackled with a greyish feather barely tinged with brown, from a Partridge's back.
Body. — Yellow silk, No. 4.
Head. — Yellow silk.
May to middle of June.

L'original Des Chic-Chocs*

Streamer Fly Pattern

Hook - Mustad 3665A or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tail - Fluorescent green uni floss
Ribbing - Oval gold tinsel
Body - Black uni stretch, black thread or flat silver tinsel
Wing - Moose mane, dark and light hairs

*Google translate = The Chic-Chocs Moose

The Chic-Choc Mountains, also spelled Shick Shocks, is a mountain range in the central region of the Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec, Canada. It is a part of the Notre Dame Mountains, which is a continuation of the Appalachian Mountains.
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Brown Poxyback Stone Fly…Poxyback Hare’s Ear Nymph…Caddis Nymph
All sz-14, lead weighted, and yes it’s an epoxy night.


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Partridge and Orange or Orange Partridge

Hook - Wet fly style
Thread - Orange silk
Hackle - Hungarian partridge

I do not own silk threads. I just substituted yellow uni stretch.


Yorkshire Trout Flies by T. E. Pritt (1885) Note – The following book is the same text, only the title was changed.

No. 32. Orange Partridge.
Hook 1
Wings. — Hackled with a well dappled feather from a Partridge's back
Body. — Orange silk.

North Country Flies by T.E. Pritt (1886) – Note: only the title was changed from Pritt’s Yorkshire Trout Flies published the previous year.

No. 32. Orange Partridge.
Hook 1.
Wings. — Hackled with a well dappled feather from a Partridge's back
Body. — Orange silk.

Brook and River Trouting by Harfield H. Edmonds and Norman N. Lee (1916)

No. 6.
Orange Partridge.
Perlidae; and Ephemeridae.
Hook 1.
Wings. — Hackled with a brown mottled (not barred) feather from a Partridge's neck, or back.
Body. — Orange silk

McCoul Special

Jim McCoul Originator

Atlantic Salmon

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tail - Red hackle fibers
Body - Silver braid built up to a cigar shape
Wing - Orange calf tail over orange krystal flash
Collar - Red hen kackle

Modern Atlantic Salmon Flies - Paul C Marriner
Sulphur sparkle duns. size 16


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Peaches and Cream

James Murray Originator

Atlantic Salmon

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread - Red
Tag - Oval silver tinsel
Tail - Fluorescent orange uni stretch or floss
Bibbing - Oval silver tinsel
Body - Fluorescent orange uni stretch or floss
Wing - Black squirrel tail over orange krystal flash
Hackle - Yellow

Jim writes "Why peaches and Cream? Well, when I made it, I remarked that the salmon would eat it up, just like peaches and cream."

Modern Atlantic Salmon Flies - Paul C Marriner


Harrison Steeves

Hook - Mustad 94840 or equivalent
Thread - Red and black
Hackle - Black

Can be tied in a multitude of colors - All red, All black, All brown etc

Be creative. Experiment


Blackfoot Dream

Hook - Mustas 7957B or equivalent
Tail - Brown elk hair
Body - Dubbed with 1 part muskrat fur and 1 part of woodchuck fur. Remove guard hairs
Wing - Woodchuck tail hair
Hackle - Ginger/dark ginger

Popular Fly Patterns - Terry Hellekson

H & L Emerger

Brett Clark Originator

Hook - Mustad C068
Thread - Black
Tail - White poly/antron yarn
Abdomen - Stripped peacock quill
Wing - White poly/antron yarn
Thorax - Peacock herl

Apply crazy glue to the hook shank prior to wrapping the stripped peacock quill forward or overcoat with your favorite uv resin for durability. Also apply crazy glue to the hook shank prior to wrapping the peacock herl thorax forward.

Emerger version of the famous H & L Variant

Tying Emergers - Schollmeyer and Leeson
Brown Poxyback Stone Fly…Poxyback Hare’s Ear Nymph…Caddis Nymph
All sz-14, lead weighted, and yes it’s an epoxy night.
I searched for the pattern to tie that good looking Poxyback fly.....but that seems like a whole bunch of work to come out with one fly!! That one goes into the "complex and time to tie" file!! But nice work!


Peccary & Hare

Soft Hackle Fly Pattern

Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent

Thread - Black

Body - Peccary hair

Thorax - Hare's ear dubbing

Hackle - Hungarian Partridge

Apply crazy glue to the hook shank prior to wrapping the peccary hair forward or coat the body with uv resin for durability

Peccary & Peacock

Soft Hackle Fly Pattern

Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent

Thread - Black

Body - Peccary hair

Hackle - Hungarian Partridge

Head - Peacock herl

Apply crazy glue to the hook shank prior to wrapping the peccary hair forward or coat the body with uv resin for durability

Tongue Depressor

Baitfish Imitation

Hook - Gamakatsu C11-5L2H or equivalent

Weight - 2 strips of .025 diameter lead/lead free wire on each side of the hook shank to provide a wide profile, similar to a spoon fly

Thread - Fluorescent red

Tail - White marabou

Body - Pearl tinsel chenille or estaz chenille

This can be tied in chartreuse, black, peach, orange etc.

You can also bend a 3xl - 4xl long hook to shape


Peccary Pheasant Tail Nymph

Nymph Fly Pattern

Hook - Mustad 3399, 3906 or equivalent

Thread - Orange (a little hot spot)

Tail - Pheasant tail fibers

Body - Peccary hair

Wing case - Pheasant tail fibers

Thorax - Peacock herl

Legs - Tips of the pheasant tail wing case pulled rearward

Apply crazy glue to the hook shank prior to wrapping the peccary hair forward or coat the body with uv resin for durability
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