>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part V

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Green Damsel

Hook - Mustad 9671, 9672 or equivalent

Thread - Olive

Tail - Olive marabou

Body - Olive antron yarn twisted into a rope

Throat - Mallard flank dyed green

Wing - Olive Marabou

Skull and Bones

Midge Pupa

Hook - Mustad C068 or equivalent
Bead - Black, black nickel tungsten
Thread - Black
Wire - Black wire
Wing - White z-lon or poly yarn
Collar - Peacock herl

Can also be tied with different colored wire

Half Pint Midge

Hook - Mustad C068 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Bead - Black nickel tungsten
Tail - Pearl krystal flash
Ribbing - Silver wire
Body - Tying thread
Thorax - Sybai spectra flash dubbing, black
Legs - Butt ends of the pearl krystal flash

Mercury Midge

(Pat Dorsey)

Hook - Mustad C068 or equivalent
Bead - Silver lined glass bead
Thread - White
Ribbing - Copper wire
Body - Tying thread

Micro Madison Midge

Hook - Mustad 3906, 94840 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Bead - Silver brass or tungsten
Tail - Mottled hackle feather fibers
Rib - Fine silver wire
Body - Tying thread
Wing case - Tinsel in pearl, black, red, copper
Thorax - Sybai spectra blend, black

RK'S Frosty Flatulator Chironomid

Hook - Mustad C068 or equivalent
Bead - Copper brass or tungsten
Thread - Brown
Breathers - White uni stretch
Ribbing - Silver wire
Body - Tying thread
Thorax - Peacock herl and a silver lined glass bead

Thread the glass bead with a piece of monofilament or wire and tie on before tying on the peacock herl. Wrap the herl behind and in front of the glass bead

Silent Midge

Hook - Mustad C068 or equivalent
Bead - Copper brass or tungsten
Thread - Black
Tail - Pearl krystal flash
Ribbing - Copper wire
Body - Tying thread
Wing - Pearl krystal flash
Thorax - Peacock herl

From a YouTube video
Realized that I posted these in the old “What are you tying” post from last year. Anyway tied these a few different ways but this version rides nice. It took a few adjustments with the positioning of the dumbbell eyes but I think its just right.


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Silent Midge

Hook - Mustad C068 or equivalent
Bead - Copper brass or tungsten
Thread - Black
Tail - Pearl krystal flash
Ribbing - Copper wire
Body - Tying thread
Wing - Pearl krystal flash
Thorax - Peacock herl

From a YouTube video
One of my favorite flies to fish in winter!

Blood Midge/Blood Worm

Hook - Daiichi 1273

Thread - Red

Body - Red liquid lace

Head - Red thread
Red Quill 1.jpg


Tried my hand at Catskill Style- several others were not good enough to post. If anyone knows a source for real wood duck feathers, please let me know if you wiould be so kind.

Red Quill size 12

Tail: Light Dun hackle fibers
Body: Brown stripped hackle stem (color is closer to reddish brown)
Wing: Mallard Flank dyed golden
Hackle: Light Dun

Hendrickson size 12

Tail: Light Dun hackle fibers
Body: Superfine Dubbing Hendrickson Pink
Wing: Mallard Flank dyed golden
Hackle: Light Dun

Bengal Tiger


Originator - Bruce Smith

Hook - TFS2312 or equivalent

Bead - Black nickel

Thread - Red

Gills - White uni stretch

Tail - White uni stretch

Shuck - Pearl krystal flash

Rib - Black wire

Body - Tying thread

Thorax - Peacock Ice Dub

Modern Midges - Tying & Fishing the World's Most Effective Patterns – Rick Takahashi

Imposter Pupa

Originator - Rick Takahashi

Hook – TFS2305 or equivalent

Bead - White glass or brass

Thread - White

Tail - White uni stretch

Body - Olive krystal flash

Rib - Olive wire

Wing buds – Rust/brown goose biot

Wing case - Brown uni stretch

Thorax - Peacock Ice Dub

Modern Midges - Tying & Fishing the World's Most Effective Patterns – Rick Takahashi


Atlantic Salmon Fly

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent

Thread - Yellow

Tag - Oval gold tinsel

Tail - Blue over yellow hackle fibers

Ribbing - Oval gold tinsel

Body - Yellow uni stretch

Throat - Blue over yellow hackle fibers

Wing - Blue over yellow hackle bucktail

Possum Special

Atlantic Salmon Fly

Bryan Russell Originator

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent

Thread - White

Tag - Blue holographic tinsel

Tail - Green nayat goat hair or similar

Ribbing - Silver wire

Body - Green holographic tinsel

Throat - Green nayat goat hair or similar

First wing - Blue nayat goat hair or similar

Second wing - Black nayat goat hair or similar

Third wing - Green nayat goat hair or similar

Cap - Blue krystal flash

Head - Green nail polish

Lacking green nail polish, I used white thread colored with a green marker

Lacking nayat hair, I used bucktail

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