Hook - Mustad C068 or equivalent
Bead - Black, black nickel tungsten
Thread - Black
Wire - Black wire
Wing - White z-lon or poly yarn
Collar - Peacock herl
Hook - Mustad C068 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Bead - Black nickel tungsten
Tail - Pearl krystal flash
Ribbing - Silver wire
Body - Tying thread
Thorax - Sybai spectra flash dubbing, black
Legs - Butt ends of the pearl krystal flash
Hook - Mustad C068 or equivalent
Bead - Copper brass or tungsten
Thread - Brown
Breathers - White uni stretch
Ribbing - Silver wire
Body - Tying thread
Thorax - Peacock herl and a silver lined glass bead
Thread the glass bead with a piece of monofilament or wire and tie on before tying on the peacock herl. Wrap the herl behind and in front of the glass bead
Realized that I posted these in the old “What are you tying” post from last year. Anyway tied these a few different ways but this version rides nice. It took a few adjustments with the positioning of the dumbbell eyes but I think its just right.
Tried my hand at Catskill Style- several others were not good enough to post. If anyone knows a source for real wood duck feathers, please let me know if you wiould be so kind.
Red Quill size 12
Tail: Light Dun hackle fibers
Body: Brown stripped hackle stem (color is closer to reddish brown)
Wing: Mallard Flank dyed golden
Hackle: Light Dun
Hendrickson size 12
Tail: Light Dun hackle fibers
Body: Superfine Dubbing Hendrickson Pink
Wing: Mallard Flank dyed golden
Hackle: Light Dun