nomad_archer wrote:
Dooooo it!
FlyGuyGlen wrote:
nomad_archer wrote:
Dooooo it!
Do It! Just Do It!
I'ma doooo it....but I'm going to tell my wife you forced me Nomad! :lol:
villeman wrote:
Nomad, he was looking up patterns to tie on the internet. I don't usually tie Brassies or zebra midges but he wanted to try them. He is learning. We need to work on his casting though.....LOL
nomad_archer wrote:
Mike that is very nice. I like the variety of colors you chose for the marabou and saddle hackle. Is that rooster or hen hackle you used for the body?
Trevor, it is all rooster saddle. Just added some different colors to get that effect. Just nice and webby hackles.
GenCon wrote:
Everybody's flys look great. John, I reall like those carp flys. Well done. Trevor, that streamer looks great. I do something very similar but use saddle hackle for the body. It is a version of a Moto's minnow.
GenCon wrote:
Trevor, it is all rooster saddle. Just added some different colors to get that effect. Just nice and webby hackles.