>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part III

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nfrechet, how do you copyright the Dyret when Tim Flagler just posted it and credited to the original tyer on the Orvis Blog? Nice looking fly, though.

^ I believe nfrechet's copyright symbol is referring to the photo of the fly (which are all first class, IMO) and not the fly itself or fly pattern.
I may be wrong on this, but it appears nfrechet is copyrighting his photo of the fly, not the fly itself. I believe that is what is going on there, regardless I always enjoy seeing his work, great looking flies and well tied.
i copyright the photo because it is MY property not the fly in the photo

i have had my fly photos used on the internet, in various websites without my permission so i add the copyright. probably not enough to prevent it but hopefully it makes someone think twice about using it.

one photo was in an ezine on fly fishing in the south. i happened to subscribe to the ezine and saw my photo.

another was a photo of a hook and the guy was using it to sell the same hooks on the big auction site

i guess ill have to put "photo" in front of the symbol in the future 🙂

everybody is welcome to use my photos. just ask first

dyret videos have been posted on the internet long before the tightline video
Figures, a Chinese ruler. Make America Great Again!

Nice flies Dave.
Playing around with some materials I picked up from the dungeon to create some emerald shiners.

This is my favorite so far.


I think I'll try some articulated versions soon

Flymen Double Barrel foam poppers. Kinda like cheating but what a nice product!

ORANGE with glow in the dark silicone legs

Shades of Grey

A nice pair of size 8 - about 2 inches total length

Glow in the dark appendages!

Sneaky Joe


Nice popper Tyger!

Thanks guys, here's another 🙂

Antonio Brown, ALL.DAY.

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