>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part III

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Nice fly! It reminds me a lot of a striptease streamer with a sculpin head! Should catch some fish!
Tdog, nice fly! That thing will push some water. Nice tie.

Frederick- 7 rec for 120. Stop trolling.
Thanks guys:

I am going to try a few more color schemes. I may also include a deer hair wing. I am thinking this head style on a sex dungeon pattern would look good.

Now if we only had some water...

Foam crickets. This fly has produced well for me!

Tdog, Tyger nice bugs guys.


Nice cricket! It looks like an uncomplicated but effective dry-dropper fly. I experimented with foam humpies this year. They worked but your fly likes like a faster tie. I'll have to tie a few up, too.

Thanks for posting it!
J55tyger88 wrote:
Tdog, nice fly! That thing will push some water. Nice tie.

Frederick- 7 rec for 120. Stop trolling.

Scoreboard didn't show that . Fly was nice I'm no troll ball buster definitely.
^^ It's all good and thanks!
Nice Edson tiger. I have not tied one of those is a really long time.
Where the heck did you find the metal cheeks? Had some when I was a kid.

i honestly dont remember where ingot the edson cheeks. the bag i got them in has no label
The Disclaimer I am quite new to tying and have a lot to learn. This is the first time I have been brave enough to post one of my attempts at a Ray Charles Sow Bug. I fished this pattern last week and the chubs loved it. A few trout as well. It was the first time catching fish on a bug I tied and was very rewarding.

You caught fish on the flies you tied......Sounds like they passed judgement to me.

I like looking at the ties. Makes me a bit jealous that between my arthritic hands and my cataract eyes I have to buy what I used to make. Oh well, getting old ain't for sissies. The cataracts are on my list for disposal shortly. Keep on tying!GG
Rusty brown buggers


nomad_archer wrote:
It was the first time catching fish on a bug I tied and was very rewarding.

nfretchet...not sure why but can't see that picture...never happened with one of your photos before.
That rust brown bugger looks great. I really like the grizzly hackle. I think I will need to order a bugger pack of it in the near future. I can't seem to find it locally.
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