>>>What are you tying today ? Part I

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On Donny Bastian's, the wing is a little darker. I think that is preferable to the lighter wing.

Whether the trout care or not, I don't know. But it just "looks right" to me. I think it fits the overall coloration of the fly better than the lighter colored wing.
Sawyers (one of my FF Heros) Killer Bug with Shetland Spindrift Oyster (290) color. A few variations forthcoming.


Different lighting out of focus image shows "halo"

troutbert wrote:
On Donny Bastian's, the wing is a little darker. I think that is preferable to the lighter wing.

Whether the trout care or not, I don't know. But it just "looks right" to me. I think it fits the overall coloration of the fly better than the lighter colored wing.

Thanks guys. Actually the wing on mine is more brown. Took the picture with my Ott light directly on top of it. Made it look a bit light.
The tail is actually brown partridge but the light made it look gray.
I am pleased you liked it though. I had not tied a quill wing fly in over 20 yrs. Of course it too me about16 trys to get one I was happy with.

Don't roll over Mr. Sawyer!


Yup, I know - but the Killer Bug was around before Walts Worm -

Interesting. The picture and posting shows the colors one way, yet in person, Gen Con sees it differently. I wonder what the fish see?

Really nice looking fly. The winged wet fly is something I've never attempted, because it looks like a lot of work. Beautiful, though.
Mike, thats the one! Nice fly.
Comparing Gencon's fly to Don Bastian's fly:

IMO, the dubbing on GC's fly is a lot neater.

The hackle is spaced more evenly on GC's fly - no clumps as can be seen above the wing on Don's fly.

I prefer the slightly flared look of the tail on GC's fly. I think it would give a better impression of the tails on a real March Brown. The tail on Don's fly looks too tightly bunched to be a good immitation of the real bug.

Of course, it all comes down to the look the judges prefer, but I think GenCon has a winner there.
Since theres a blizzard going on outside, definitely a good time to get some practice. Tied up a few Cut wing Hendrickson duns, with dubbing from the DRC, and Turpins GPS Stonefly's in Black and Golden stone.


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Thanks for all the compliments guys. HA I do not even know how to respond to your comments. I am humbled. Thank you.

John, they are pretty cool. Almost time for sucker spawn.

John PM sent

I use sucker spawn all winter long.....They always seem to work for me!
Very nice Looking tie Mike
Thanks Jack, should arrive tomorrow.

GenCon wrote:
Bergmans March Brown male. This may be the best I can get it. Needs one more coat of laquer and good to go. This is for a contest.
Critiques welcome.


I somehow missed the post and should have asked to look at it in person last night. That fly looks perfect.
I'd like to slum it up with a lil' ham handed tie that I use for carp. Doesn't look like it floats but it does... like a cork, right in the surface film just like a mulberry should. I have done lots of experimenting and changes with this pattern and there are still some things that might change even yet but I think for now it is sufficient.


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^ nice work Nick!
Nick, pretty awesome. What the heck is that material?

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