>>>What are you tying today ? Part I

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Nice Dave looks cool!
Volksnurse wrote:
Nice Dave!

Thanks, Volks

Hackle is from a hen saddle that a gentleman on this forum gave me when I started tying. You may know the guy. 🙂

J55tyger88 wrote:
Nice Dave looks cool!

Thanks, Tyger.

It's the pattern that scored that big trout I took on the Lackawanna last week and two of his brothers. I guess this means the fish approve. 🙂

I've used peacock ice dubbing for the body for many years instead of herl.

When I tie a soft hackle prince, I use CDC as the soft hackle instead of other feathers. I like the action CDC gives and so do the fish.

Dale49 wrote:

I've used peacock ice dubbing for the body for many years instead of herl.

When I tie a soft hackle prince, I use CDC as the soft hackle instead of other feathers. I like the action CDC gives and so do the fish.



I just happen to have some CDC in a couple of colors. Will have to try using that on a few ties.

Just cannot seem to handle peacock herl without breaking it half the time. I know I am ham-handed, but using the dubbing is a lot less frustrating.

this week it clousers and all feather boogers.
Scored some new stuff from the Somerset show last week. I got some great hackle from Charlie Collins along with a bunch of other stuff I don't need.
Evolution nymph heads, a set of $2 wing burners.


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Looks like you made good use of the materials and tools.

I spent some time at the bench trying these out. I had done a couple before, but wanted to try them on jig hooks and add in the antennae. (Which i forgot to tie in on one 🙂 )

I did remember to flip a couple over so that the underside is visible.

Thinking of calling it a Krayfish in honor of Andy.

Size 12 Allen J100BL hook
2.8 mm Black Brass Bead
.015 Lead Wire
Tan Chenille
Hare's Wiggle Du (Natural Hare's ear)
Fish Skull Craw Body size small.


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Dcap240 wrote:
Scored some new stuff from the Somerset show last week. I got some great hackle from Charlie Collins along with a bunch of other stuff I don't need.
Evolution nymph heads, a set of $2 wing burners.

Beautiful burned wing dry. I've been using wing burners for dry flies since the 70's, and I love them - they work! Don't know your experience with them, but I will give you a tip. When you fish them, coat the wings with silicone based "paste" fly floatant. Apply with your fingers and draw your fingers along the feather from the base upward to the tip of the feathers. Helps to retain their shape when wet. I prefer to not separate the wings, but they do look good separated.

And what a buy at $2!
Nice tying J5, Rc,D & Dj :-D

I just got into tying and have a question. Can i ask how exactly you tie the wings in? I also have wing burners and cant seem to get the wings to stay straight? IF youd rather pm me that works too.
fisherboy3, I'll try to explain it as best I can without showing you.

1) strip the fibers off the lower part of the feathers and burn the wings (easier to do when you are not dealing with the entire feather)

2) pair them up together in your fingers so they curve outward opposing and the wing tips are matching

3) hold the wing tips and strip the fibers from the base to the desired length

4) cut the stems, leaving about 1/16" below the wings

5) hold both feathers with your finger and thumb, then hold them on top of the fly with the tips pointing toward the rear of the hook

6) wrap the stems onto the hook in front of the wings

7) once they are secured with thread and centered on the top of the hook, wrap behind them to lift the wings upright. (you can adjust centering them with your thread)

8) apply head cement to the base of the feathers and on to the thread to solidify their position. don't be afraid to apply a little head cement into the very bottom of the feathers - this will further solidify them and keep them together

Practice. This is the best I can do as a narrative. Please don't hesitate to ask me questions if I didn't convey this to you in a way that you could not understand. Remember - there are no stupid questions!
Outsider, thanks man. That explanation will do fine. I will be tying tonight so i will let you know how it goes!
fisherboy3 wrote:
Outsider, thanks man. That explanation will do fine. I will be tying tonight so i will let you know how it goes!

Probably the most important thing you can take from my explanation is to hold the wings together when you tie them onto the top of the hook - don't try to do them separately, and have them centered on the top of the hook, including the stems. Let me know if you need further help. You can even pm and call me if necessary. Good luck.
I have been MIA for a while because work has just been eating up my time. But I've really enjoyed watching this thread, especially watching the new tyers improve over time with great advice from some very skilled tyers. I finally had some vise time this weekend and just tonight finished off some casual dress variantions to restock my nymph box. Finding the camera is my next goal, so maybe I'll get some pictures posted before Christmas 🙂
Lately just my shoe laces :-o I need to get back to my vice sometime this week
Playing with some soft-hackle Prince Nymphs. Tied these on a jig hook and using Dale's suggestion, tried using CDC for the hackle.

Kind of different, tying them upside down. What do you think?


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Try tying the cdc in a dubbing loop and wrapping the collar.
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