>>>What are you tying today ? Part I

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jeremymcon wrote:
@whheff - I thought at first that that bottom fly was a dry fly, but then I realized that the tails looked like rubber legs. Very strange. Does the pattern have a name?

It is called the Salmon River Gift. Here is a link to the video on how to tie this fly. I have had success with dark blue flies and this on looked interesting. I will see how it work in a few weeks.

Tied up some simple caddis larvae recently. The tan ones are tied with wapsi hare's ear colored antron, which I am really starting to like. It is all antron - no actual hare's ear, and has a mixture of colors. I also used olive antron, and Mr. Peacock dubbing from fly tyers dungeon from the slightly darker thorax area. I like a mono rib with scud back to give a natural looking segmentation. These nymphs in the tan/olive color worked well on Kishacoquillas creek the other day:


Also, after reading the thread about the "first generation" beadhead nymphs, I decided to whip up a few simple dubbing-and-bead nymphs:

Nice looking ties Jeremy.
I tie my dubbings on a hook tight. I trim all excess hair after I rib with mono.
Tied a couple of soft-hackles and gave up. Have the creeping crud and a fever. Makes it tough to focus on tying.

Have I mentioned how much I enjoy seeing all the great ties on here?
Keep 'em coming!
I enjoy this thread so I figured I would add to it. Not actually flies but teases for an upcoming striper trip. I actually consider them more of an attractor so they are tied heavier and higher then my teasers.


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After reading the thread on dying monoI decided to play some...Lots of possibilities. Nothing fancy but looks fishable.


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Volks, what size mono & hook you got there? I'd say it'll take some fish. Pd, you'll have to let us know how things go on your trip. How long are them puppies?
Here's one Ive been playing around with.
Volksnurse, did you dye the mono or buy it dyed?
I dyed it. It is some old 8 pound trylene. Used RIT Kelly green. Olive underbody and some black ice dub. That's a 16 hook.
I like yours better Jack....
Thank you folks.
My guess is it will catch fish. I have some black dye and tan dye so I want to dye some mono and do a double rib. I plan to name it my Yuengling Black and Tan nymph.
My favorite caddis ...can be fished either dry or wet. Wing is a combo or cdc and deer hair. Body is a two tone of SLF squirrel


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Togadog, nice tie. I tie my caddis dry's same style but use coastal deer hair for the wing (no CDC).

It probably does not need the cdc in it but I always add it just to help. That fly was tied with mule deer. I received a nice patch from Blue Ribbon Flies. Nice hair makes all the difference.
"Nice hair makes all the difference." It sure does. I prefer coastal deer hair (though I never tried mule deer) because::

1) it is fine and the tips don't flare - perfect for your style caddis
2) the length of the hair is consistently even

I use natural and dyed gray.
I will also use coastal deer. Problem is I rarely put each piece back in its original bag and then have to go through trail and error to find the "correct" piece for the job. That said, I prefer deer over elk for most of my smaller flies.
A few Teeny nymphs to take to the Salmon River next week.


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