uber/lyft for a shuttle on the upper lehigh?

Might call you for a few if you are serious. Same number? Still in Palmerton area?
I am not sure if it is the same number. Changed it like 5 years ago or so. Still live in Palmerton. Feel free to reach out. If I am around, I can do it.
@krayfish- get in touch if you're planning a trip. Maybe we can meet up.
Sounds good to both of you. I'll probably be there most weekends in April and May (minus my annual fishing trip)
Not only when you go solo, but also just flat out for convenience. If you float the upper d, there's multiple shuttle services. Not sure why one of the white water companies haven't bolted on a shuttle service to their offerings. I know I'd probably use them (or lyft/uber) if they'd pick me up.
I spoke with a decision maker at the largest WW company on the Lehigh for a few moments today. It's just two different sized markets. They may send more rafters down on a busy weekend than people that fish the Lehigh all year (my words, not his).

FWIW, I live near the Lehigh and am very interested in possibly trying this.